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Release Day Review: Trick by Laramie Briscoe



Title: Trick
Author: Laramie Briscoe
Genre: Contemporary/New Adult Romance
Release Date: January 13, 2017
A forced sentence leads to a reckless passion…….Hadley When my husband walked out on me over a year ago, it devastated me. When the divorce papers came, it killed me. When we had to sell our house, it broke me.

But then he moved in with his new flavor of the month and told our daughter his new woman wasn’t into children. That pissed me off. 

Now Riley feels abandoned, and I can’t make it better; no matter how hard I try. I’m desperate to help her adjust to the loss of a male figure in her life. The companion program that matches adults up with children who have loneliness and abandonment issues is my last hope.

The counselors tell me he’s doing community service hours, and I ask to sit in on his meetings with Riley. The minute I see him astride the matte black Harley, I know neither my nor Riley’s life will ever be the same again. 


Community Service. Two words I should be thankful for, but I’m not. I resent the hours it’s away from building my business. The two previous kids I’d been paired up with didn’t work out because their mothers were more interested in getting in my bed. This next match with a little girl is my last hope. Unless this kid works out, I’m destined to serve time. 

When they push her into the room wearing pink converse with a black dress, her crazy curls barely held back by the barrette in her hair, and studious glasses on her face, I can tell she’s scared – of new people, of change, of being pushed aside. Something inside of me breaks, and I want this girl to feel wanted again. 

What I’m unprepared for is meeting her mom. The second our hands touch, there are fireworks, bright lights, and a picture of the future I could one day have. The future I’ve never allowed myself to wish for. 

Community service becomes more than a chore, more than time I resent for being taken away from me. In the months that follow, I realize they’re just like me: they’ve been abandoned, left behind by the world, forgotten by those who should love them.

Thanks to the one last hope in both our lives – we found the light in the darkness we’d been searching for.

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4.5 Stars

Hadley is a single mom doing it all.  Work a full time and part time job to give her daughter what she need. Hadley’s life changed on the drop of a dime when her cheating husband decided that was not the life for him.  She picks up the pieces and makes a new life for the two of them. Hadley takes a leap of faith and enrolls Riley in a program that will pair her up and give her a positive male influence in her life. Little do they know it will be life changing for them both.  Knowing what it like to be a single mom doing it all, Hadley is hands down awesome.

Patrick “Trick” Tennyson has made some mistakes in life.  He’s a man that takes full responsibility for his actions and is paying his debts society. He’s a man that takes full responsibility for his actions and is paying his debts society. Little did he know the companion program his community service requires him to take part in, would change his life in more ways than one. The hard as steel, tatted up, panty melting man has a heart of gold and the . patience of a saint. Trick’s exterior appearance is just an added bonus to the amazing qualities of this truly wonderful man .
Sweet, slow burning and deep!
A second chance at life, trust, leaps of faith, listening to your heart and unconditional love make up the amazingly emotional story that is Trick!  I have been very fortunate seeing Ms. Briscoe’s writing develop and grow from almost the beginning. In the last year I seen her talent take some amazing steps forward. Trick, in my mind, is a different type of book for her, one which I absolutely adored. It also shows the growth in her talent for weaving work together not just writing, but creating a story. Ms. Briscoe characters are seem so real and reader are able to relate with them on many levels.    Every emotion is beautifuly protraded perfectly.  Allowing the reader to not just read the story but feel it as well.

Deep emotions line every page creating a story that the reader not only gets lost in, but gets attached to. Likable and lovable characters draw you in, make you laugh and feel.  Slow building passion that add fuel to the fire of passion for Trick and Hadley.  Sexy, hot and passionate with a ton of heart.  If you are looking for a book that is low on angst and drama but will hit your heart hard, Trick by Laramie Briscoe is the read for you.


Author Bio

Laramie Briscoe is the best-selling author of the Heaven Hill Series & the Rockin’ Country Series.Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie Briscoe has published over 10 books. She’s appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on iBooks, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. She’s been called “a very young Maya Banks” (Amazon reviewer) and her books have been accused of being “sexy, family-oriented, romances with heart”.

When she’s not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on her DVR. Married to her high school sweetheart, Laramie lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband (the Travel Coordinator) and a sometimes crazy cat named Beau.

Author Links

Cover Reveal: Plunge by Tavi Grace




Title: Plunge
Series: Solivagant #1
Author: Carian Cole writing as Tavi Grace
Genre: Dark Romance
Cover Design: Kari Ayasha, Cover to Cover Designs
Release Date: 2016
I tried to killed myself.And much like everything else in my life, it went wrong.

Terribly wrong.I woke up dead and broken. But not dead at all.

And not alone.I want to go back. To the life that no longer seems as hopeless or as horrible as I thought it was. Even back to the man who wasn’t nearly as frightening as the one who’s now slowly inching his way across the room.

Closer to me.But I can’t go back. The door has been closed. The lock has turned. The key thrown away.

Now there’s just the dark. And the quiet. And the fear. And those eyes.

And that touch.He made me his angel. He became my God.

And I don’t know if this is heaven or hell.

Author Bio

Tavi Grace is the alter ego of author Carian Cole who wanted to write words that Carian didn’t want to write.

Ms. Grace writes stories about sexy, damaged, and slightly evil men and the women that will inevitably fall under their spell even though they damn well know they shouldn’t. These books will most likely have a few WTF moments and may or may not have a happy ending depending on how much sleep Tavi has gotten.

Tavi is almost half a hundred years old and lives in a house in the woods with a hot guy and a bunch of fuzzy pets that shed non-stop. She has an unhealthy addiction to toasted marshmallow flavored lattes, listens to the TV instead of watches it, and suffers from chronic wordlust.


Author Links


ARC Review: Buried and Shadowed by Carrie Ann Ryan /Alexandra Ivy


BuriedBuried and Shadowed

Carrie Ann Ryan

Alexandra Ivy

Branded Pack Series, Book 3

Published July 12th 2016




Gibson Barton knows his Pack is on the verge of something they will never be able to prepare for: a chance at freedom. Yet when he’s finally able to open his eyes to what might be his fate, it could be too late.

As a submissive wolf of her Pack, Mandy Calhoun has always only watched Gibson from afar. Because of her fears, she hasn’t let her intentions toward him—or the other in her sights—be known.

Oliver Dare is the Foreseer of the Ursine Pack, and knows with each vision, his death is that much closer. Yet he cannot see his own future—or that of the two wolves who have been thrust into his path.

There is danger lurking in the den, and as the three learn to process their emotions and navigate their temptations, they’ll have to fight for something they never knew they had—or sacrifice it all for a purpose far greater than their own destinies.


Sinclair, Alpha of the Unseen Pack, is determined to destroy the Shifter Accommodation Unit. He understands that his people will never be free until the truth is revealed and their enemies are brought out of the shadows and exposed to the public. Unfortunately, the human female who has been secretly working with him has disappeared, and his priorities must shift slightly. He’s resolved to track her down, and not just because she has the information he needs.

Mira Reese isn’t stupid. She’s painfully aware that the sexy shifter she’s been working with has been using her fascination for him to gain access to the CDC computer system. But that doesn’t stop her from helping Sinclair. Not when it allows her to be close to him. But after the CDC kidnaps her, she realizes that this isn’t a game. She’s a potential savior for the future of the shifters—and perhaps especially the loner wolf who stirs her passions.




4 Stars




Some of those that care for, see to the Pack’s safety,  and wellbeing are the most lonely

Oliver, the forseer of the Bears. Gibson, the new Omega of the wolves. Mandy, a submissive wolf. Each longing for the other two, but afraid to act because of status and place within the pack. As changes are on the horizon for the shifters, a submissive wolf takes a chance a speaks up for herself. Causing a chain reaction of feelings, longing and lust. Buried is by far the most emotional of the Branded Pack series books. Passion, sensuality and pure animalistic lust.




Sinclair has intrigue me since we first met him. He is an alpha through and through.  He’s got a hard edge and soft heart. A hard past has made him the alpha he is today.  Mira is a take the world by the seat of the pants and go, kind of girl. She maybe a computer geek but the woman has some balls. She’s good at what she does and willing to take chances. Even putting herself in the line of fire. On the verge of the truth being exposed, Mira is taken by the SCU and Sinclair realizes the human means more to him then he wanted to admit.

Carrie Ann Ryan and Alexandra Ivy have created a unique and compelling shifter series that I can’t stop waiting. Buried and Shadowed is an action-packed, emotional and very sexy addition to the Branded Pack series. The writing duo of Ryan and Ivy continues intrigue and captivate. The writing is sound. The characters are colorful and charismatic. The plot keep you on your toes and the passion makes you feel. An awesome read.



Review: Rough Rhythm by Tessa Bailey

rhythmRough Rhythm

Tessa Bailey

Made in Jersey Series, Book 1.5

ebook, 100 pages
Published March 8th 2016 by Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated



God help the woman I take home tonight.

Band manager James Brandon never expected to find the elusive satisfaction he’d been chasing, let alone stumble upon it in some sleezy Hollywood meat market. Yet the girl’s quiet pride spoke to him from across the bar, louder than a shout. Troubled, hungry and homeless, she’d placed her trust in him. But after losing the grip on his dark desires that one fateful night, James has spent the last four years atoning for letting her down.

This time I’ll finally crack him.

Rock band drummer Lita Regina has had enough of James’s guilt. She wants the explosive man she met that night in Hollywood. The man who held nothing back and took no prisoners—save Lita. And she’ll stop at nothing to revive him. Even if it means throwing herself into peril at every turn, just to get a reaction from her stoic manager. But when Lita takes her quest one step too far, James disappears from her life, thinking his absence will keep her safe.

Now it’s up to Lita to bring James back…and ignite an inferno of passion in the process.

Reader Advisory: ROUGH RHYTHM contains fantasies of nonconsensual sex, acted upon by consenting characters. Readers with sensitivity to portrayals of nonconsensual sex should be advised.





4.5 Stars


James has two sides. One that is so protective it’s almost to the point of obsession. The other that is dark, dangerous and addictive.  He battles within himself constantly.  A past, dark desires and guilt hold James back from knowing true bliss.

Lita is bold, loud and fun. A talented woman who will go after what she wants. No matter the cost or danger.  James left a taste for a desire that only he can give the night the two met. Lita continuously puts herself on the line hoping, wanting something but doesn’t quite expect.

Tessa Bailey is my Queen of dirty talking men.  OMG, Raw and gritty with a dark edge. I loved every word. Rough Rhythm is a fast, leaving you breathing hard, hits you where it counts novella.  Raw desires, intense passion and deep emotions, Tessa Bailey seduces readers with her dirty words and charismatic characters.

For the lovers of a hands down dirty book, Rough Rhythm is the read for you!




Review: Wild Ride by Opal Carew

rideWild Ride

Opal Carew

Ready To Ride Series, Book 2

Invitation To Eden Series, Book 17

Published September 16th 2014 by Opal Carew

Print Copy



Her friend told her dreams come true at Eden, but this is more like a nightmare.

Marissa is shaken when her bad-assed biker ex-boyfriend begins to stalk her. The solution? Take a trip far away to an exclusive resort called Eden with her friend.

But even in paradise, she can’t escape the man from her past. As he’s closing in on her, a passing stranger on a motorcycle pulls up and orders her to get on his bike. For some reason she trusts him, and does as he says.

Now the chase is on. Her knight in supple leather knows how to ride and they manage to lose her ex. For now. But soon, Marissa wonders if she’s jumped from the frying pan into the fire as she clings to the tough, tattooed man who saved her. All she knows for sure is — it’s going to be one Wild Ride!




4 Stars

Paradise becomes a nightmare that turns to sexual bliss. A Wild Ride!

Marissa’s life has her on edge when that elusive invitation to Eden arrives. Indulging in paradise and a fantasy or two, has become a heart pounding ride that hangs on the edge of danger and pleasure.

Killer is overpowering, intimidating and dangerous. He’s also so flippin hot, you can’t help to melt.  When the damsel in distress has a little more spunk and imagination, Killer finds she’s an addiction he can’t be without.

Opal Carew never fails to give the read on hot book. Add in the temptation that the Invitation to Eden series is known for. This one’s a scorcher! With a few added surprises from the Ready to Ride crew that will make the temperature rise. As the danger fades to pleasure, the ride just gets better.

Personal print copy.




Review: Tamed by Stacey Kennedy


Stacey Kennedy

Club Sin Series, Book 5


Expected publication: March 10th 2015 by Loveswept


Porter Marshall has nearly achieved his goal of becoming a Club Sin Master, but his new sub poses a much bigger challenge than he anticipated. Despite their mutual attraction and red-hot dungeon sessions, Kenzie Hart plays her own games. Her bratty, you-can’t-break-me attitude masks terrible personal hurt—pain that only the exquisite touch of a skilled Dom can release. But when Porter suggests taking their connection to the outside world, Kenzie denies him . . . which only makes him want her more.

Kenzie can’t ignore the raw, fierce bond she has with Porter. But she can’t give in to his dangerous demands, either. Is the passion they share real, or is he using her to solidify his status at Club Sin? And yet, who else can she trust with the shattering secrets she holds within? As Porter expertly brings her to the point of no return, Kenzie surrenders her body—and, piece by piece, her heart.

Tamed is an erotic romance intended for mature audiences.



5 Stars


Kenzie, the bratty sub.  Of all our Club Sin Ladies, she is the one I wanted to know the most. Pushing the bounds, is what she does best. I would have never guessed that she would be so complex or a book nerd for that matter. She broke my heart and made me laugh. They always say that actions speak louder than words. In a test of wills, so to say, Kenzie met her match. A Dom who can read between her lines. A Dom that had made her weak in the knees.  A Dom who want more than her submission, he wants her.


Porter has just taken over my number one spot of favorite Club Sin Masters. Given the impossible task of taming the untamable. Porter sees something the other Masters and Doms didn’t.  Realizing there is something more to the bratty sub. He will charm, command, protect and fight to make a hardheaded woman realize what bonding really means.


Stacey Kennedy out does herself with Tamed!  Sassy, sexy and deep. Porter and Kenzie step outside the dungeon and show the readers of the Club Sin series that BDSM is not just sexy. Tamed has a bit of a darker tone than the previous books in the series. Giving Kenzie and Porter’s intense, emotionally driven story many layers. Through pleasure and pain, soul binding bonds are formed, healing the worst scars of the past through erotic means. My new favorite of the Club Sin Series!
A copy of this book was provided by Netgalley for an honest review.

Review: Lilith by Kelli Maine


Lucifer’s Legion Motorcycle Club #1

Kelli Maine

ebook, 74 pages

Published November 12th 2014


Who am I?
I’m every woman’s worst nightmare.
A taker of lives.
A trainer of slaves.
You can call me Lucifer.

Luc “Lucifer” Bontrager is a nomad in Lucifer’s Legion Motorcycle Club. Traveling chapter to chapter, he brings in big money kidnapping women, training them and selling them as sex slaves. He’s heartless, brutal and all business.
And then he meets his match.

Lilith. Every man’s worst nightmare. A taker of lives. A sociopath on the run.

Inked up with satanic symbols and verses, she’s fearless and completely insane. Luc can’t train her, he sure as hell can’t sell her, and—for the first time in his life—he can’t bring himself to put a bullet in the bitch’s head either.

She’s his worst regret.

Her words and cold, calculating eyes haunt him. She’s the devil on his shoulder, reminding him of all his sins. He should’ve killed her when he had the chance, because when the unthinkable happens and Luc falls for the young, innocent girl he’s training, Lilith seeks her revenge, targeting the only girl he’s ever wanted to keep as his own.





3.75 Stars

Luc “Lucifer” Bontrager is the textbook version of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He’s pretty much an asshole all the time.  Then there will be these moments that its  like a light shines through making something about this monster  into someone almost beautiful.   Then you take a breath and realize he is straight from hell.


Lilith is like the total psycho Spawn of Satan. Crazy and proud of it.  I don’t even think I can put words to this woman. And the sad thing is I really don’t know which of the two of the was the worst.


This book is not for the faint of heart. It is truly a messed up story with messed up situations and severely messed up people. Somehow I could not put the damn thing down. The author gives the reader a warning at the beginning of this book, the morning was very accurate. Somehow I got very intrigued by these characters enough to keep turning the page and learning the story. Again it’s not pretty, I wouldn’t call it entertaining.  However something about it made me want to keep reading.


This title is from my personal library.

