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Review: Dirty and Dangerous by Shayla Black

Dirty and Dangerous

Shayla Black 

Kindle Edition, 202 pages
Published February 6th 2020



Trading pleasure for information is no way to catch a criminal…or is it?

With fifty grand at stake and a star-witness missing, bounty hunter R. A. Thorn and Detective Cameron Martinez reluctantly team up to and put their bodies on the line to make gorgeous informant Brenna Sheridan a deal: everything she knows in exchange for everything she desires.

Their heated interrogation explodes into an unexpected experience none can forget or forego. Commitment-shy Thorn is sure their “deal” is nothing but pure, sizzling lust. Cam knows it’s more. But Brenna is keeping dangerous secrets, one a mafia boss is intent on learning—before silencing her forever. While on the run, her past spills out. And when shocking desires are revealed, there’s no turning back…

Can the guys come together to protect and serve the woman they want to claim for good before the threat ends her?

Short Novel

*(Formerly titled Dangerous Boys and Their Toy. Contents of this book are unchanged.)





4 Stars


This book is intense on so many levels. From page one the action is in your face and bam, it keeps coming at you. A complex situation that gives a fast-moving plot and multi-layered characters with intense personalities.


Thorn is raw, aggressive and very alpha. Being a bounty hunter is very fitting for him. Thorn is the love them and leaves them, type of guy.  Cameron is as observant as he is a charmer. He had a way with people that makes them melt into his hands. He has finesse and patients and knows the meaning of being sensitive and how to use sensitivity. Cam’s way with words is a gift. Brenna is a woman trying to get answers to questions she’s been asking for a lifetime. One man connects these three people and is the first link in a fast chain of events that changes each of them down to the soul.


Dirty and Dangerous is a quick-moving, action-filled, intensely intimate and hot as sin itself.  Shayla Black once again draws readers in with raw emotions, a great story and some wicked romance that just may leave readers panting.  Thorn, Cam, and Brenna together found a way to help, save, free and understand and love. I loved the open-mindedness and the natural progression in which the relationship developed. It may have been quick but it gave me goosebumps and chills while reading. Dirty and Dangerous is a male, male, female ménage that is beyond hot.


Penthouse Variations on Three-ways by Penthouse Variations

The Editors of Penthouse Variations

Penthouse Variations on Three-ways

November 30, 2016

A celebration of every erotica readers’ favorite fantasy, Penthouse Variations on Three-Ways offers incredible tales featuring MMF, FFM, MMM, and FFF pairings. Spend a steamy night reading stories of three lovers who heighten their pleasure by stepping outside of the normal one-to-one bedroom ratio.

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About Penthouse Variations

From the blissfully sensual to the alluringly exotic, Penthouse Variations is filled with titillating stories and readers’ first-hand accounts of their kinkiest sexual fantasies and experiences. Plus full-color photography.

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ARC Review: Bound For You by Jayne Rylon



Bound For You

Jayne Rylon

Men in Blue Series, Book 6


Ben has lived through hell. He only survived captivity and torture by the brutes who’d been attempting to develop Sex Offender, a potent aphrodisiac used as a date rape drug, because of the guy he met—and fell in lust with—in the drug lord’s dungeons.

Ryan became Ben’s roommate after they escaped. His nearness is constantly tempting Ben to force Ryan to submit to his dark desires. Disgusted by how similar that makes him to their captors, he’s managed to hold off so far. How long can he keep his cravings for Ryan’s sexy body at bay?

On top of that, they both seem to be falling for the same woman. If Ben has reservations about unleashing his sexual appetites on Ryan then that goes double for Shari, who is entirely too sweet and inexperienced for either of them. Or so Ben thinks.

When Shari teams up with Ryan to change Ben’s mind, it seems like Ben might consider turning their three-way fling into something serious. Until a threat to Ben’s niece reminds them that it’s not always possible to keep those you love safe. After losing his sister in the Sex Offender scandal, Ben might never be ready to take that risk again.

None of them could have realized they were bound for something greater than a traditional partner in life, but Shari and Ryan are sure the three of them will benefit from the love of not one, but two, strong, giving soul mates who can help them leave the darkness of their past behind.

Will they be able to convince Ben that living fully is better than living cautiously?






4.5 Stars


Ben is a dominate alpha to the core. Stubborn, hard headed and extremely protective. Ryan is sweet and a more than willing to give submissive. A strong personality, that allows him to share his mental and physical strength with others. Shari’s presence invokes balance. She’s a take no crap kind of woman, and will do anything in her power to help.  The trio share of a past tragedy that has bonded them tighter than friends. An experience that has left scars, emotional turmoil, questioning of friendships and lustful desires.


Family is not always about who you’re born to, it’s about the people in your life that love you unconditionally no matter what. The Men in Blue through tragedy, triumph, pleasure and pain have come together to make a family stronger than blood can bond. Jayne Rylon flawlessly continues the bonds of friendship and love with Bound to You.  Emotionally deep characters, a twisty plot, pure erotic passion and healing hearts.  Jayne Rylon gives readers a full array of emotions in Bound to You.  A sexy and raw read that will have you panting.

A complementary copy of this title was provided for an honest review.




Audio Review: Night Is Darkest by Jayne Rylon


Night is Darkest

Jayne Rylon

Men in Blue Series, Book 1

Audible Audio, Unabridged

Published June 23rd 2014 by Audible




Lacey Daughtry’s perfect weekend is interrupted by tragic news of her brother’s murder in the line of duty. Plagued by a rash of mysterious phone calls, she turns to her brother’s best friends and fellow officers for protection…and comfort.

Spending time in close contact with Mason and Tyler, the two men she’s dreamed of since her first girlhood crush, seems like the answer to a prayer. Especially when they begin to explore the desire she’s harbored for so long.

But the partners are holding out on Lacey. Determined to suppress the most extreme facets of their lust, they agree to settle for sharing the woman they crave while concealing their desire for each other. Until Lacey cracks their resolve, unleashing a torrent of emotions that threatens to distract them when they can least afford it.

Their blossoming relationship is complicated by secrets. And the only way to evade the killer threatening their lives is to bare their souls in the darkest hours of the night. Or everything will come crashing down, just before the dawn.

Warning: After reading this book you’ll never look at a pair of hot cops, a cemetery or a can of Spaghetti-O’s the same way again.





4 Stars

In the darkness of tragedy three people, bound together by years of friendship stop skating around their feelings and start living their most erotic fantasies.


Mason is dominant to the core.  Tyler is an alpha with a submissive side and warm hearted nature. Lacey is young but not naïve with a passion that’s waiting to be tapped. These three have bonds that go deeper than friendship. In the wake of losing a brother and best friend the feeling that have been pushed away for years surface with a renewed blaze.


As each one struggles with their own personal issues surrounding an untimely death, the bigger struggle is accepting the reality that what they feel is not unconventional. Jayne Rylon gives readers one hell of a smoking hot story. Highly erotic with a dash of suspense and a lot of unexpected emotional turmoil.  Mason struggle was not what I expect at the beginning of the book.  He was a much deeper character than I gave him credit for.  His story changed changed the book in a very good way for me.


Gregory Salinas smooth and seductive voice perfectly delivers all the emotion, passion, fear and hope that Mason, Tyler and Lacey experience through their journey.  Reading Night is Darkest was hot, listening to Gregory read it takes the erotic level of the book three levels higher.
An audio copy of this book was provided for an honest review.







Release Day: BROKEN PLAY by Samantha Kane

The first in THE BIRMINGHAM REBELS series by Samantha Kane




Perfect for fans of Shayla Black and Lexi Blake, the deeply sensual new Birmingham Rebels series introduces an unforgettable team of chiseled football gods—and the daring, provocative games they play behind closed doors.

Birmingham Rebels offensive linemen Beau Perez and Cass Zielinski are inseparable, on and off the field. Cass, the captain with the cowboy swagger, is a loose cannon. Beau, the veteran tight end, is cool under pressure. And ever since they were caught on tape in a steamy threesome, their exploits have fueled more than a few tabloid headlines—and naughty fantasies.

Marian Treadwell knows all about the video. And now that she’s the Rebels’ new assistant offensive coach, she can’t look at Beau and Cass without picturing their hard, naked bodies—with her pressed in between. Marian would like nothing more than to indulge those impulses, but she knows better than to get too close to her players, a bunch of adrenaline-fueled alpha males who don’t always follow the rules.

Just the thought of sharing the gorgeous yet guarded Marian drives Cass wild. At first, Beau isn’t sure she’s right for them . . . and lately, all he desires is a little alone time with Cass to explore their new intimacy. But it’s only a matter of time before Cass breaks through both of their defenses. Because when seduction is the game plan, he always plays to win.

Broken Play
is intended for mature audiences.



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ARC Review: A Little Harmless Rumor by Melissa Schroeder

rumorA Little Harmless Rumor

Melissa Schroeder

Harmless Series

Kindle Edition
Published August 25th 2015 by Harmless Publishing
Little Harmless Rumor

Rumors are swirling about the fall of Sean Kaheaku, but he’s ignoring them. Six months earlier, he had his entire world turned upside down and he still doesn’t know what to do about it. He retreated to his home in Hawaii to recover and reassess what he wants to do now that he’s been burned as a security agent.

Now lovers, Randy and Jamie arrive in Honolulu to find the lover they once knew is now even more secretive and belligerent. He refuses their help, but they are both too stubborn to leave—especially since they sense something dangerous is stalking Sean.

As the three lovers spend more time together, old feelings float to the surface and the twosome becomes a threesome. Nights are even hotter than the Hawaiian sun, and all three lovers find the connection exciting and overwhelming. But, the trouble is still out there and arrives intent on destroying Sean and everything he loves—including Randy and Jaime.

Warning: This book contains three spies who like to play games in and out of the bedroom, hot m/m loving, more m/m/f loving, dangerous games, lies, a few misdemeanors, and love scenes so hot, even most Addicts will be shocked. There is also a group of Alpha males with badges who will have their own series, a heroine who knows how to handle her two men, and two men who know exactly what she likes. As usual, ice and towels should be handy to help you through the book.

5 Stars

Melissa Schroeder turns up the heat up in Hawaii with the hottest and latest book in her Harmless Series, Rumor.

Sean, Jamie and Randy, each commanding, dangerous and strong willed, yet so different they complimented and challenged each other perfectly.  This M/M/F story is truly Ms. Schroeder’s finest. The love scenes are smoking, the emotions are deep and raw, and you feel the love coming from the pages.  I will be honest, I don’t know what worked me up more the danger, suspense and twists of the plot or tantalizing passion that two Doms and a beautiful woman realize they were missing.
The suspense keeps you on edge while the wicked passion has the pages turning. A trio of lovers, a dangerous secret and paradise makes A Harmless Little Rumor the most intense and emotional book of the series. Leaving the reader satisfied while building up what’s to come next in Hawaii.

An ecopy was provided for an honest review.
