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Promo: Off Campus by Amy Jo Cousins


Off Campus, Bend or Break Series Book 1 by Amy Jo Cousins

Date of Publication: January 27, 2015


Everyone’s got secrets. Some are just harder to hide.

With his father’s ponzi scheme assets frozen, Tom Worthington believes finishing college is impossible unless he can pay his own way. After months sleeping in his car and gypsy-cabbing for cash, he’s ready to do just that.

But his new, older-student housing comes with an unapologetically gay roommate. Tom doesn’t ask why Reese Anders has been separated from the rest of the student population. He’s just happy to be sleeping in a bed.

Reese isn’t about to share his brutal story with his gruff new roommate. You’ve seen one homophobic jock, you’ve seen ’em all. He plans to drag every twink on campus into his bed until Tom moves out. But soon it becomes clear Tom isn’t budging.

Tom isn’t going to let some late-night sex noise scare him off, especially when it’s turning him on. But he doesn’t want any drama either. He’ll keep his hands, if not his eyes, to himself. Boundaries have a way of blurring when you start sharing truths, though. And if Tom and Reese cross too many lines, they may need to find out just how far they can bend…before they break.

Warning: This book contains cranky roommates who vacillate between lashing out and licking, some male/male voyeurism, emotional baggage that neither guy wants to unpack, and the definitive proof that sound carries in college housing.

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About Amy Jo Cousins

Amy Jo Cousins writes contemporary romance and erotica about smart people finding their own best kind of smexy. She lives in Chicago with her son, where she tweets too much, sometimes runs really far, and waits for the Cubs to win the World Series again. Amy Jo is represented by Courtney Miller-Callihan of Handspun Literary Agency.

Readers interested in autographed copies of Amy Jo’s paperback books can order them from Chicago’s fabulous independent bookstore, The Book Cellar. They can ship anywhere, and will email me to let me know there are books to be signed if you care to order them!

I didn’t read a romance novel until seventh grade. Mafia dons and samurai warlords? Check. Love stories? Not so much. Then my grandma showed up one summer with a garbage bag full of books. Her friend belonged to all of the Harlequin and Silhouette Book of the Month Clubs and passed on her copies to my grandma when she was done with them.

My grandma never met a Louis L’Amour book she didn’t like, but she had no idea what to do with three hundred romance novels in a trash bag. Since it was clear that I was the book black hole, capable of sucking in uncountable numbers of novels while deaf to the world around me, I was the natural beneficiary of this windfall.

It changed my life.

I binge read all those books over the course of a summer where my mom despaired of getting me out of my bedroom. I was still reading science fiction and fantasy, adventure novels like The Count of Monte Cristo, and Agatha Christie books like they might run out of copies at the library. But those romance novels…I read five or six a day until school started. And when I finished that bag, there was another. And another.

Add in a seminal viewing of Romancing the Stone and the electric typewriter my mom managed to scrounge up and situate in the basement (so the clattering of the keys wouldn’t keep everyone awake) on a tiny rolling metal table and there’s really no escaping the fact that I’ve wanted to be a romance author for most of my life. As a career, it gives me the perfect excuse for my never-ending need to learn, about museum art restoration or theater stage management, about organic family farms or librarians’ reader advisory ethics. I also get to remind myself again and again of the most important lesson I learned all those summers ago, hiding in my closet with a flashlight after midnight so I wouldn’t get in trouble for staying up until my eyes burned…

People can make terrible mistakes with the ones they love, the last ones they ever thought they would hurt, and there can be a way back. Or through.

Because we are flawed and so often damaged already.

Because love is the heart of being human.

Love makes you vulnerable and strong in equal amounts and imparts a stretchiness to the soul that lets us bend when we’re afraid we might break.

I can’t think of any stories I’d rather tell.

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Audio Review: Night Is Darkest by Jayne Rylon


Night is Darkest

Jayne Rylon

Men in Blue Series, Book 1

Audible Audio, Unabridged

Published June 23rd 2014 by Audible




Lacey Daughtry’s perfect weekend is interrupted by tragic news of her brother’s murder in the line of duty. Plagued by a rash of mysterious phone calls, she turns to her brother’s best friends and fellow officers for protection…and comfort.

Spending time in close contact with Mason and Tyler, the two men she’s dreamed of since her first girlhood crush, seems like the answer to a prayer. Especially when they begin to explore the desire she’s harbored for so long.

But the partners are holding out on Lacey. Determined to suppress the most extreme facets of their lust, they agree to settle for sharing the woman they crave while concealing their desire for each other. Until Lacey cracks their resolve, unleashing a torrent of emotions that threatens to distract them when they can least afford it.

Their blossoming relationship is complicated by secrets. And the only way to evade the killer threatening their lives is to bare their souls in the darkest hours of the night. Or everything will come crashing down, just before the dawn.

Warning: After reading this book you’ll never look at a pair of hot cops, a cemetery or a can of Spaghetti-O’s the same way again.





4 Stars

In the darkness of tragedy three people, bound together by years of friendship stop skating around their feelings and start living their most erotic fantasies.


Mason is dominant to the core.  Tyler is an alpha with a submissive side and warm hearted nature. Lacey is young but not naïve with a passion that’s waiting to be tapped. These three have bonds that go deeper than friendship. In the wake of losing a brother and best friend the feeling that have been pushed away for years surface with a renewed blaze.


As each one struggles with their own personal issues surrounding an untimely death, the bigger struggle is accepting the reality that what they feel is not unconventional. Jayne Rylon gives readers one hell of a smoking hot story. Highly erotic with a dash of suspense and a lot of unexpected emotional turmoil.  Mason struggle was not what I expect at the beginning of the book.  He was a much deeper character than I gave him credit for.  His story changed changed the book in a very good way for me.


Gregory Salinas smooth and seductive voice perfectly delivers all the emotion, passion, fear and hope that Mason, Tyler and Lacey experience through their journey.  Reading Night is Darkest was hot, listening to Gregory read it takes the erotic level of the book three levels higher.
An audio copy of this book was provided for an honest review.







Review: Hard to be Good by Laura kaye

goodHard to be Good

Laura Kaye

Hard Ink Series, Book 3.5

Published April 14th 2015 by HarperCollins Publishers



Hard Ink Tattoo owner Jeremy Rixey has taken on his brother’s stateside fight against the forces that nearly killed Nick and his Special Forces team a year before. Now, Jeremy’s whole world has been turned upside down—not the least of which by a brilliant, quiet blond man who tempts Jeremy to settle down for the first time ever.

Recent kidnapping victim Charlie Merritt has always been better with computers than people, so when he’s drawn into the SF team’s investigation of his army colonel father’s corruption, he’s surprised to find acceptance and friendship—especially since his father never accepted who Charlie was. Even more surprising is the heated tension Charlie feels with sexy, tattooed Jeremy, Charlie’s opposite in almost every way.

With tragedy and chaos all around them, temptation flashes hot, and Jeremy and Charlie can’t help but wonder why they’re trying so hard to be good…




4.5 Stars


Charlie and Jeremy have forged a friendship through a very twisted and hot mess of a situation.  When the sh*t hits the fan these two realize they both want more than to be friends. Disaster pushes the feelings to the surface,  making thoughts and fantasies a reality.


Laura Kaye just gave me my favorite friends to lovers story. Two unique and charismatic people comes together, find something worth living for in a beautiful and natural way, amongst the chaos going on around. Yes this is a M/M novella. But the story is more than two men getting together.  Look at the sensuality and passion between two loving and caring people creating something stronger together. It’s a beautiful, sexy and endearing story that will get to your heart.
Print book from my personal library.



Laura Kaye’s HARD TO BE GOOD Release Week Blitz



We are so, so excited to bring you guy the Release Week Blitz for Laura Kaye’s HARD TO BE GOOD!! HARD TO BE GOOD is a novella in Laura’s Hard Ink Series, published by Avon Romance. We absolutely love Laura’s Hard Ink men and are so excited to see Jeremy and Charlie get their HEA!!


Hard to Be Good - Cover

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Hard Ink Tattoo owner Jeremy Rixey has taken on his brother’s stateside fight against the forces that nearly killed Nick and his Special Forces team a year before. Now, Jeremy’s whole world has been turned upside down—not the least of which by a brilliant, quiet blond man who tempts Jeremy to settle down for the first time ever.

Recent kidnapping victim Charlie Merritt has always been better with computers than people, so when he’s drawn into the SF team’s investigation of his army colonel father’s corruption, he’s surprised to find acceptance and friendship—especially since his father never accepted who Charlie was. Even more surprising is the heated tension Charlie feels with sexy, tattooed Jeremy, Charlie’s opposite in almost every way.

With tragedy and chaos all around them, temptation flashes hot, and Jeremy and Charlie can’t help but wonder why they’re trying so hard to be good…

Shirtless muscular attractive young man model wearing sweatpants


“You should be inside celebrating,” Jeremy said, his voice a raw scrape. “You and Marz did an amazing thing this morning.” An hour ago, Marz and Charlie had cracked open a heavily encrypted microchip that contained a wealth of information that not only seemed likely to help the team clear its name, but proved that Charlie’s father hadn’t been dirty, like they’d all thought. “And I’m so happy for you about your dad.”

A wounded darkness passed through Charlie’s gaze, but he finally nodded. “Didn’t feel right without you there.” Pink filtered into his cheeks, and damn if that wasn’t as cute as it was sexy. Jeremy wasn’t sure anything had ever made him blush.

“I’m just not—” Jeremy shrugged and looked down at Charlie’s chest again. Having seen the guy dress more than once, he knew that shirt covered lean muscle that ran from strong shoulders down to his narrow hips. Jeremy fisted his hands against the urge to burrow them under the hem of the tee. After weeks of looking, and wanting, he was dying to touch. Jeremy found Charlie hard to read though, and hadn’t wanted to do anything to scare him off. “—very good company right now. I’m sorry if that—”

Charlie nudged Jeremy’s chin up with his hand, his fingers just barely touching Jer’s stubble-covered skin. But then his thumb landed softly against his lips.

Jeremy’s heartbeat kicked up and his lips fell open. Slowly, oh so tentatively, Charlie stroked the soft pad of his thumb back and forth across them.

“Charlie,” Jeremy whispered as arousal surged through his body, spiking his pulse, tensing his muscles, hardening his dick.

Uncertainty poured off Charlie as the man’s hand trembled where it touched him, but those blue eyes absolutely blazed desire. No way was Jeremy imagining that.

“You’re always good company, to me,” Charlie said in a low voice, his gaze dropping to Jeremy’s lips. Charlie leaned in closer, and closer still, and Jeremy could hardly believe the other man was the one to initiate this. But he was fucking thrilled.

Jeremy swallowed, his lips anticipating that first soft brush. Charlie was so close his shaky breath caressed Jeremy’s lips. His pace was maddening but so damn sexy Jer could barely breathe. And then Charlie’s eyelids fluttered closed and he was right there…

And don’t miss the other Hard Ink books, now available:

Hard as It gets

Hard As It Gets


Hard as You Can

Hard As You Can


Hard To Hold On To

Hard to Hold On To


Hard To Come By Cover

Hard To Come By

Praise for the HARD INK SERIES:

“TOP PICK! If you’re looking for danger, gritty action, and sizzling passion, then Kaye has just the book and the series for you.” ~RT Book Reviews Magazine


Author PhotoAbout Laura Kaye:

Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.



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Review: The King by Tiffany Reisz

the kingThe King

Tiffany Reisz

The Orignal Sinners Book 6, The White Years Book 2

Kindle Edition, 443 pages
Published November 25th 2014 by Harlequin MIRA
Cunning. Sex. Pure nerve. Only this unholy threesome can raise him to his rightful place as a ruler of Manhattan’s kink kingdom.Bouncing from bed to bed on the Upper East Side, Kingsley Edge is brilliant, beautiful and utterly debauched. No carnal act or chemical compound can relieve his self-destructive heartache—only Søren, the one person he loves without limit or regret. A man he can never have, but in whose hands Kingsley is reborn to attain even greater heights of sin.Kingsley’s plan to open the ultimate BDSM club—a dungeon playground for New York’s A-list—becomes his obsession. His expertise in domination can’t subdue the one man who wants to stop him. The enigmatic Reverend Fuller won’t rest until King’s dream is destroyed, and so the battle lines are set; it’s one man’s sacred mission against another’s…

4 Stars

Sinfully erotic, dark and decadent. The king will consume you.
Kingsley Edge is a man that hold no fear when it comes to his sexual exploitation. A self proclaimed pervert, there is no sexual kink that is too much for him. The line of pleasure and pain for Kingsley twists, crossed, braided and broken. From the man for built the best BDSM dungeon I would expect nothing less. What I was surprised to find was the depth of intelligence and emotions within Kingsley. A worldly man that know he can have and get whatever he want.  Kingsley is the most diverse man of every facet of the BDSM world that I have ever read. He may also have the kindest heart.

The King is my first indulgence of Ms. Reisz’s writing. I say indulgence because The King tempts and teases you.  Giving the reader a taste of thrill and danger, while hanging to the edge, over come with lustful pain and pleasure. All while consuming you page by page and leaving you smile in bliss at the end.  An overpowering read of love, loss and the sacrifices and that one is willing to go to for pleasure.

As I was reading I realized I found out I was way far into a series that i did not know, however I may not know 100 percent who the players are, I more than understand the game. Reading The King has made me want to go back to the beginning of this series and get to know these sinners.  A powerhouse of erotic writing that makes me question why I have not read Ms. Reisz before.