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ARC Review: Adoring Ink by Carrie Ann Ryan

inkAdoring Ink

Carrie Ann Ryan

1001 Dark Nights

Montgomery Ink #6.5
Montgomery Ink World #13
 Kindle Edition
Published January 17th 2016 by Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated



The Montgomery Ink series continues with the most unlikely of romances between the one that got away and the man who can show her the world.

Holly Rose fell in love with a Montgomery, but left him when he couldn’t love her back. She might have been the one to break the ties and ensure her ex’s happy ending, but now Holly’s afraid she’s missed out on more than a chance at forever. Though she’s always been the dependable good girl, she’s ready to take a leap of faith and embark on the journey of a lifetime.

Brody Deacon loves ink, women, fast cars, and living life like there’s no tomorrow. The thing is, he doesn’t know if he has a tomorrow at all. When he sees Holly, he’s not only intrigued, he also hears the warnings of danger in his head. She’s too sweet, too innocent, and way too special for him. But when Holly asks him to help her grab the bull by the horns, he can’t help but go all in.

As they explore Holly’s bucket list and their own desires, Brody will have to make sure he doesn’t fall too hard and too fast. Sometimes, people think happily ever afters don’t happen for everyone, and Brody will have to face his demons and tell Holly the truth of what it means to truly live life to the fullest…even when they’re both running out of time.


4 Stars 

Holly is a good girl. She has a simple life, a great job as a teacher, good friends and is for the most part happy. She even enjoys wearing her pearls and cardigans. Holly is ready to add a little adventure in her life. In walks Brody Deacon to jazz her world in the best ways. 

Brody is fun, friendly and flirty. Big, tattooed and all alpha. This hottie is not one to settle down however is always good to the woman he’s with. He’s a good man, caring with a sweet side. Brody is friend with a lot of people but not really close with anyone. Spending time with a girl he believes to be too good for him, has Brody wanting more than he has before. 

Adoring Ink is sweet, a bit adventurous and sexy. Brody and Holly are total opposites that complement each other well. Carrie Ann Ryan gives readers a strong heroine and a hero that makes your mouth water. Both Holly and Brody carry baggage that keep a part of themselves sheltered from the world. Their adventures of checking off things Holly’s list, starts breaking the walls and making change a reality. Brody and Holly make a perfect addition to the couples in the world of Montgomery Ink. 





INK EXPOSED by Carrie Ann Ryan – First Look

The stunning cover of INK EXPOSED by Carrie Ann Ryan was revealed yesterday, and today we’re thrilled to bring you a first look what’s between the covers of INK EXPOSED today!


InkExposed300 (1)About INK EXPOSED

The Montgomery Ink series continues with the brother that deserves a second chance, and the woman who has always loved him.

Alex Montgomery lost his first love and then proceeded to leave himself in the bottle. Only he and his ex-wife truly know why he fell so hard and so fast down a path he never thought he’d take. Now he’s clean, out of rehab, and learning how to be a Montgomery once again—a task that isn’t quite as easy as some of his family assumes.

Tabby Collins is an honorary Montgomery and the organizational mastermind behind Montgomery Inc., the family’s construction company. She loves her planners, friends, and a certain dark-haired man who’s never given her a second glance.

Alex is slowly re-immersing himself back into the world, but the demons he faced before aren’t out of the picture, and he’ll have to learn to rely on others to make it out whole. When Alex discovers that Tabby’s life is in danger, he not only finds a way to help her but also learns the true woman behind the soft smiles he’s always seen. Their romance won’t be an easy one, but nothing this passionate and heart-pounding ever is.

Add INK EXPOSED to your Goodreads list here!

INK EXPOSED releases November 29th – preorder now!

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Get your first look at INK EXPOSED:

“Mrs. Montgomery?”

Alex turned at the sound of the soft voice behind him, his heart suddenly beating just a bit faster though he didn’t know why.

Tabitha moved toward them, a hesitant smile on her face as she studied the two of them. She wore her light auburn hair up high in a ponytail though he was pretty sure at one point she’d been a blonde. It might have just been the trick of light. He couldn’t quite remember much of the past couple of years if he were honest with himself. She was a little above average in height and all legs—legs he’d checked out more than once in the past year.

But he’d always pushed those thoughts aside like would do now. He was in recovery damn it and though he was past the year mark that most people suggested addicts wait to start a relationship, he knew that Tabitha wouldn’t be the woman he started up with once he was ready.

She worked with his brothers, Storm and Wes, at Montgomery Inc. She was the administrative assistant for the construction company his parents had started before he was born and he was pretty sure ran the company to the efficient standards it held. Wes might be super organized and diligent, but Alex knew Wes and Storm wouldn’t be able to function without Tabitha.

“Tabby!” His mother moved forward and brought the other woman into her arms.

Tabitha smiled fondly, this time not as hesitant, and hugged his mother back. “Hi, Mrs. Montgomery. I thought I’d come a bit early and see if you needed help cooking today. Mr. Montgomery let me in.”

Alex stuffed his hands in his pockets and watched the way his mother fawned over Tabitha. He couldn’t really blame her either. There wasn’t a bad bone in Tabitha’s body and every time he saw her she was always put together and helping someone. He didn’t know if she had anyone at home waiting for her or family around here, but he knew the Montgomerys had taken her in anyway. They tended to do that to anyone they liked and admired near enough to their web.

“How many times have I asked you to call me Marie, Tabby?” Marie held Tabitha’s hands and shook her head though he could tell his mother was smiling.

“Every time I see you, but I have a bad habit I can’t seem to shake.” Tabitha looked up and over at Alex and smiled though it wasn’t the same smile she’d giving his mother and he couldn’t quite read it. “Hi, Alexander.”

“Hi.” He always found it weird that they were the only ones that called each other by their full names but it had been one of those things that had stuck years ago and he didn’t know how to change it. And frankly, he didn’t want to.


About Carrie Ann Ryan

Carrie Ann Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary and paranormal romance. Her works include the Montgomery Ink, Redwood Pack, Talon Pack, and Gallagher Brothers series, which have sold over 2.0 million books worldwide. She started writing while in graduate school for her advanced degree in chemistry and hasn’t stopped since. Carrie Ann has written over fifty novels and novellas with more in the works. When she’s not writing about bearded tattooed men or alpha wolves that need to find their mates, she’s reading as much as she can and exploring the world of baking and gourmet cooking.

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EXCERPT REVEAL: Dirty by Kylie Scott







Heavy footsteps roused me from my stupor. I don’t know how long exactly I’d been sitting in the bathtub, staring off at nothing, pondering the catastrophe my life had become. Couldn’t have been too long since sunlight still lit the room.

The footsteps came closer and closer. And then they entered the room. Oh, shit. I froze, not even daring to breathe. There was a loud yawn, followed by the cracking of joints. Then a large hand reached in beside the closed shower curtain and turned on the tap. A torrent of ice cold water poured down. It was like a billion itty-bitty knives stabbing at my skin. All of the scratches and raw patches from earlier stung like shit. I gritted my teeth, shoulders hiked up to around my ears as if that would provide any protection.

Yep, I sat there, all huddled up, listening to the man take a leak.

Awesome. Just plain awesome.

Wasn’t like I could jump out and interrupt the man midflow. And say what? I knew this was not a good situation to get caught in.

  1. I’d basically broken into this guy’s house.
  2. And had then gone on making myself right at home, having a messy emotional breakdown in his bathtub.

Normal, rational people didn’t do this sort of thing. I didn’t even have a criminal record, had never particularly done anything outlandish or interesting until now. This was all Chris’s fault, the bastard. I’d just have to make the best of it and hope this guy had a sense of humor.

Just as the water began to warm, he flushed the john and freezing cold water drenched me anew. I’d been about to open my mouth and announce my presence, but that put an end to that. Needles of icy cold water pelted down on my skin. I fucking froze. Teeth gritted, I suppressed a squeal of pain and rage.

Then the shower curtain flew back.

“Shit!” The man was very tall, very naked, and very surprised. He stumbled back a step, a hand clutching at the bench behind him, eyes furious and wide. “What the hell?”

Good question.

I opened my mouth, closed it. Language skills had apparently abandoned me. In total silence, the man and I stared at each other.

Even with no clothing to take cues from, the dude was clearly the epitome of cool. He looked about my age, or maybe a little older. He had longish red-blond hair, dark blue eyes set in an angular face, a lean but muscular torso covered in tattoos, and a rather large cock. Not that I meant to check him out, it’s just kind of hard to ignore a penis and scrotum when they’re dangling right in front of your face. I tilted my head, trying to get some perspective. Every viewpoint, however, was equally shocking. There was dick as far as the eye could see.

And I should stop ogling him. Right.

“Hi.” With a calm I didn’t even vaguely feel, I reached up and turned off the tap. Much better. His monster penis had momentarily derailed me, but I was back on track now. Time to talk myself out of this mess. “Hey.”

“What the fuck are you doing in my house?” he asked flatly.

“Right. Well . . .” I neatly tucked my dripping-wet shoulder-length blond hair back behind my ears. As if that would help. My winged eyeliner and false lashes were probably halfway down my cheeks. “I, um, I . . .”

“You what?”

“I’m Lydia,” I said, the first thing to come to mind.

No reply. His handsome face, however, took on a distinctly pissy expression. Even his strawberry-blond hair seemed a fiery hue. Fine, so we weren’t swapping names and getting cozy. Fair enough. You wouldn’t believe how hard it was, keeping my eyes on his face. The struggle was real. It might have been due to my not seeing one in so long, but his dick seemed almost hypnotic. The thing had magical powers, I swear. It was so big and mobile, subtly swaying every time he moved. My gaze kept darting down despite my best efforts.

Finally he put me out of my misery, grabbing a towel off a nearby rack and wrapping it around his waist. It made for quite the hot-looking miniskirt. Not just any man could have pulled off such a look.

But back to my explanations.

“Ah, firstly, I’d just like to say sorry about this.” I waved a hand at him and his bathroom and, well everything, really. “For any inconvenience I might have caused here in your bathroom.”

The guy stood tall, looming over me with his hands on hips. Tattoos covered his arms to his wrists. Still, he had a whole lot of sinew on show. Definitely not the kind of man you’d want to mess with. Dude could probably snap me in half in a second. I bet he was a tattoo model, or a biker, or a pirate, or something. Something a lot hot and more than a little scary.

Shit. I really should have chosen another house.

“I don’t normally break into people’s places and hide out in their tub,” I babbled, on the verge of incoherency. “So I’m really sorry. Seriously. So very sorry. But you’ve got a lovely home.”

“That so?”

“Not that, I mean, that’s not why I’m here. I just . . .” Fucking hell, my mind was a disaster. I took a deep breath, letting it out nice and slow, before trying again. “I love the old Arts and Crafts bungalows, don’t you? They have such soul.”

His brows drew tight. “Are you high? What the fuck are you on?”


“You haven’t been popping any pills or snorting something?”

“No, I swear.”

“Nothing to drink?”

“I haven’t had anything,” I said, but the suspicion and anger still lined his face. Paired with the stubble on his chin and the shadows beneath his eyes, my unwilling host was one tired, cranky man. Couldn’t really blame him.

“So you’re completely sober,” he said.


A pause.

“You’re thinking I’m bat-shit crazy now, aren’t you?” I asked, despite the answer sitting plain as day on his pretty face.

“Pretty much, yeah.”

Oh, god. “I’m not. I’m sane.”

“You sure about that?” He looked down the long line of his nose at me, distinctly unimpressed. “Seen a lot of weird shit in my years. Stuff like you wouldn’t believe. But I got to tell you, right now, this . . . you, are taking the cake.”

“Great.” And I was so definitely probably going to jail. Someone ought to give me a cookie. My ability to take a bad situation and make it worse today was amazing.

“You touch any of my stuff?” he asked. “Take anything?”

“Yes, your sofa is cunningly hidden down the front of my dress. You won’t believe where I fit the TV.”

Again, his eyes narrowed dangerously. “Between you and me, probably not the time to be funny, babe.”

Crap. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. You have every right to be mad.”

“Damn right, I do.”

I nodded, contrite. “I haven’t touched any of your things.”

The dude just stood there, staring. Lots going on behind his eyes. None of which I could read.

A stray tear trickled down my face. It must have saved itself up just for the occasion. Gah. How pathetic. I sniffled, brushing it off hurriedly with the back of my hand.

“Fuck’s sake,” he muttered.

“I really am sorry about this. The truth is, I just needed somewhere to hide for a little while. I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

He sighed. It wasn’t a happy sound. “Lydia?”

“Yes?” Despite my best efforts, my voice trembled slightly.

“Look at me.”

I did so. He still looked cranky and crazy cool while I remained a hot mess.

“I’m Vaughan,” he said.


He tipped his chin and silence fell between us once more.

With the tip of his tongue rubbing at his upper lip, he looked at the wide open window, and then back at me. Yep, that’s how I’d gotten in. Houdini had nothing on my mad skills.

“What are you doing in my house, Lydia? The truth.”

“It’s kind of a long story, actually.” Along with being excruciatingly embarrassing. But then, what wasn’t about this day?

Vaughan crossed his arms over his wide chest and waited me out while I fussed with my ruined skirts and tried to come up with a way to spin the story to not make me look a complete fool. Christ, the holes in my stockings were huge. On one side, my entire foot stuck out. So screwed.

Vaughan crouched by the side of the tub, resting his arms on the side. Up close the shadows under his eyes seemed even bigger and darker against his pale skin. And there were bags big enough to use as carry-ons. Despite the strong lines of his lean face, the man looked done-in. Ready to sleep for a hundred years.

I knew that feeling.

“Looks like a wedding dress,” he said quietly.

“Yes, it is. I was going to get married today.” I took a deep breath, wiping my face with my hands. Just as expected, my palms came away smeared with black eye makeup. “Ah, boy. I must look a wreck.”

Without comment, Vaughan reached out and grabbed a towel, handing it to me. It was sort of threadbare, old. Dated like the rest of the house. I hadn’t seen more than one room, but real estate agents got a feel for these sort of things. Minimal upkeep for the past five or so years would have been my guess. Perhaps it’d even been left empty. Bushes out front hid the house from view, so I’d never gotten a good look at it before.

“Thank you.” I patted myself dry with the towel as best I could. What remained of my beautiful dress was a sopping wet ruin. “I’m sorry I broke into your house, Vaughan. I swear I don’t normally do this sort of thing.”

“No,” he said, his voice deep. “Figured as much. Where’d you come from?”

“The big house at the back.”

His brow wrinkled. “You climbed over the fence?”


Tired, red-tinged eyes appraised me anew. “That’s a tall fence. Must have been one hell of an emergency.”

“It was a disaster.”

For a long moment he studied me, deep in thought. Then he sighed yet again, climbing to his feet.

“Are you going to call the cops on me?” I asked, my throat tight with tension. “I know you have every right to, I’m not disputing that. I’d just, I’d like to know. Mental preparation and all that.”

“No. I’m not.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” My whole body sagged in relief.

Then he clapped his hands together, startling the crap out of me. “Okay, Lydia. Here’s what we’re going to do.”


“I arrived late this morning, have only had a few hours sleep. If I don’t get some coffee soon, things are going to get ugly. And you probably need to get dried off.” With no fuss, he held out his hand. “Let’s get shit sorted out. Then we can sit down and you can tell me the long story of how the hell you ended up in my house. Agreed?”

“Agreed,” I said, voice lightening.

He pulled me up. Then, with strong hands on my waist, lifted me out of the tub. Immediately water started dripping off of my saturated dress, pooling on the scuffed wooden flooring at my feet. Chris would have been distinctly unimpressed. Chris didn’t like messes. But as Vaughan didn’t seem to care, neither did I.

“You’re really not going to call the police?” I asked.

“No. Hold still,” he said, carefully plucking a fake eyelash from my cheek.

“Thank you.”

“Your dress is kind of fucked.” He looked me over from top to toe.

“I know,” I said sadly.

“I’ll leave you to get changed.”

“Wait. Please. I can’t get out of it on my own.”

More frowning.

“It’s vintage,” I explained with a grim face. “There’s no zip, just a line of little buttons up the back.”

“’Course there is.” Without another word, he turned me around and got started in on said buttons. As he worked, he hummed beneath his breath, the song vaguely familiar.

“Aren’t you still mad?” I asked, perplexed.


“But I broke into your house.”

“Window was open.”

“I still trespassed.”

Busy fingers kept working on undoing the dress. “You sat in the tub and cried because some dickhead fucked you over.”

That shut me up.

“Or that’s what I’m assuming, given the dress and all. I take it he’s the one that gave you that shiner on your cheek?”

“No. No one hit me. And yes, you assumed right about the being fucked over.” I tried to look back at him, but I couldn’t see a thing beyond my wild-ass hair. Impressive how it’d survived the shower. The stylist clearly knew her shit.

“You sure no one hit you?” He did not sound convinced.

“Yes. I lost my grip and hit the floor when I was climbing in the window. My home invasion skills need work.”

“I’d suggest you try a different career.” He finished with the buttons and took a step back, scratching his head. “You okay with the dress now?”

“Yes, thank you,” I told his reflection in the mirror. “For everything, I mean.”

“Sure.” He almost smiled and gave a small shake of the head as if he couldn’t quite believe what was going on. Or maybe it was disbelief that he wasn’t kicking me straight back out the window through whence I’d come.

Lord knows, it’d shocked the shit out of me.

He turned toward the door. “See you out there.”





Are you ready to get Dirty?  

Dirty is Book One in Kylie Scott’s Dive Bar Series.  

Meet Vaughn & Lydia on April 19th!

Pre-order your copy of DIRTY here:

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The last thing Vaughan Hewson expects to find when he returns to his childhood home is a broken hearted bride in his shower, let alone the drama and chaos that comes with her.

Lydia Green doesn’t know whether to burn down the church or sit and
cry in a corner. Discovering the love of your life is having an affair on your wedding day is bad enough. Finding out it’s with his best man is another thing all together. She narrowly escapes tying the knot and meets Vaughan only hours later.

Vaughan is the exact opposite of the picture perfect, respected businessman she thought she’d marry. This former musician-turned-bartender is rough around the edges and unsettled. But she already tried Mr. Right and discovered he’s all wrong-maybe it’s time to give Mr. Right Now a chance.

After all, what’s wrong with getting dirty?






kylie scott


Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.


Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.


Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


ARC Review: Dirty Sexy Inked by Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde

Dirty Sexy Inked (Dirty Sexy Series Book 2) by Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde

Date of Publication: April 5, 2016


Breaking hearts is what wild and rebellious Mason Kincaid does best. Hit it and quit it is his motto, and with his bad boy reputation and tattoos, he doesn’t lack for female companionship. Until one hot night with the one woman he swore he’d never touch becomes an all consuming addiction he can’t kick. Katrina Sands has been his best friend for years, but now that he knows what she feels like, and tastes like, there is no going back to being just friends. Hot, dirty sex has never felt so good…or so right.

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4.5 Stars
 Carly Phillips and Erika top themselves with the emotional depth and intense sexual passion that is Dirty Sexy Inked.

Katrina and Mason have been best friends since their early teens. They’ve been through each other’s highs and lows, and know most of the mental and physical scars each other carry.  They have become a sanctuary for each other in their crazy messed up world.   As the years passed a healthy dose of sexual tension is riding alongside their friendship.  Causing life to become terribly miserable for one while the can’t seem to figure out what’s causing animosity.

Oh my goodness! Get ready for page scorcher. Mason and Katrina are amazing together.  Friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes, Dirty Sexy Inked hits it perfectly.  Mason and Katrina’s friendship was portrayed beautifully on the pages. The transition to lovers is what made the story. Sexual tension so thick there are no boundaries once it’s released. Heartbreaking moments and fear make Dirty Sexy Inked a deep and emotional read. While chemistry, Mason’s dirty mouth and uninhibited passion make this a book you won’t be able to put down.  I absolutely love this book.  I can’t wait to see what Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde has in store for us with the last Kincaid brother.

A copy of this title was provided for an honest review .


About Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde

***About Carly Phillips***

Carly Phillips is the N.Y. Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of over 50 sexy contemporary romance novels featuring hot men, strong women and the emotionally compelling stories her readers have come to expect and love. Carly is happily married to her college sweetheart, the mother of two nearly adult daughters and three crazy dogs (two wheaten terriers and one mutant Havanese) who star on her Facebook Fan Page and website. Carly loves social media and is always around to interact with her readers. You can find out more about Carly at

***About Erika Wilde***

Erika Wilde is the author of the sexy Marriage Diaries series and The Players Club series. She lives in Oregon with her husband and two daughters, and when she’s not writing you can find her exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest. For more information on her upcoming releases, please visit website at

Find Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde Online


“WE’RE OFF TO Las Vegas, Kitty-Kat,” Mason Kincaid said as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “Sin City is the perfect place to get down and dirty and have some fun. What kind of trouble do you think we can get into while we’re there?”

Katrina Sands buckled her seat belt and settled more comfortably in the first-class leather seat next to Mason—her best friend since they were fourteen and freshmen in high school. She wasn’t at all surprised that he was already making a mental list of all the wild and reckless adventures that awaited him in a no-holds-barred place like Las Vegas. Mason Kincaid was a rule breaker, a thrill seeker, and a self-indulgent bad boy who was all about pleasure and instant gratification. From everything she’d heard about the city that never slept, he’d be right in his element.

Oh, joy, she thought with a resigned sigh. It wasn’t as though she was a prude. Far from it. She just wasn’t thrilled about watching her best friend’s man-whoring ways in action in Vegas. She spent enough time seeing it up close and personal on a day-to-day basis.

She turned her head and met Mason’s bright blue gaze. “You do realize that this trip isn’t all about you and your dick, right? That we’re heading to Vegas because your brother Clay is marrying Samantha?” she asked, reminding him of that one important detail.

The corners of his mouth curved with an indulgent grin. “Of course I realize my brother is strapping on the old ball and chain tomorrow afternoon. But that doesn’t mean the entire weekend is going to be all wedding, all the time. In fact, tonight Levi and I plan to take Clay out to make sure he spends his last evening as a bachelor in style.”

Which gave Mason the perfect opportunity to carouse for a willing female to take back to his hotel room for the night. It’s what Mason did. For as long as she’d known him, he’d had a hit-it-and-quit-it motto when it came to women, and he always made sure they knew the score up front. He didn’t make promises or do commitment or anything longer than a one-time fling.

And each time Katrina watched it happen, a little bit of hope died inside of her. The hope that one day Mason would see her as more than just a best friend and the woman who managed to keep his personal and professional shit together. But the man was oblivious to her deeper feelings for him, and she wasn’t willing to tell him and risk certain painful rejection. It was much easier, and safer, keeping them both squarely in the friend zone.

She’d known him for twelve years, and had truly come to believe that Mason Kincaid didn’t have the ability to commit to any single woman. And it really wasn’t hard for her to figure out why considering the kind of childhood he’d had—no father figure to speak of and a mother who cared more about her next fix than her own kids. Mason might be a master at giving off a carefree, I-don’t-give-a-crap attitude, but Katrina was one of the few people who knew just how much pain and resentment that laid-back demeanor really masked.

The commercial plane they were taking to Las Vegas finished the boarding process, and one of the cabin crew started closing the overhead luggage bins, while another made an announcement to set all electronic devices to airplane mode. A pretty brunette flight attendant stopped next to Mason’s aisle seat and set her hand on his shoulder.

He glanced up at her, and the woman smiled, her complexion flushing a bit as he turned all that potent male sex appeal her way. Yeah, Mason had that kind of breathtaking effect on women. Between his gorgeous features, that sexy, panty-dropping smile, and his sleeves of bad boy tattoos that wrapped around both muscled arms, he was an irresistible force to the female gender.

And the jerk knew it, too, and didn’t hesitate to use that charm to his advantage.

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Release Blitz and Review: Hard Ever After by Laura Kaye

Hard Ever After - RWB banner

We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Release Week Blitz for Laura Kaye’s HARD EVER AFTER, a novella in Laura’s New York Times and USA Today bestselling Hard Ink Series releasing February 2, 2016! Grab your copy of this amazing book in the Hard Ink Series today!



Hard Ever After - cover

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Hard Ever After - RWB Teaser 2


You Are Invited…

To the Wedding of the Year


About Hard Ever After:

Justice served. Honor restored. Team reunited.

After a long battle to discover the truth, the men and women of Hard Ink have a lot to celebrate, especially the wedding of two of their own—Nick Rixey and Becca Merritt, whose hard-fought love deserves a happy ending.

As Nick and the team shift from crisis mode to building their new security consulting firm, Becca heads back to work at the ER. But amid the everyday chaos of demanding jobs and their upcoming nuptials, an old menace they thought long gone reemerges, threatening the peace they’ve only just found.

Now, for one last time, Nick and Becca must fight for their always and forever, because they know that when true love overcomes all the odds it lasts hard ever after.


Hard Ever After - RWB Teaser 1



Nick pulled her bra strap off to the side. “Ready?”


“Very,” Becca said, butterflies doing a small loop in her belly.


The tattoo machine came to life on a low buzz. “Just relax and let me know if you need a break, okay?” he said, dipping the tip into a little plastic cup of black ink.


“Okay.” His gloved hands fell against her skin, and then the needles. Almost a scratching feeling, it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as she thought it would. And just like when he’d drawn on her with skin markers, she was already dying to see what it looked like.


“How you doing?” he asked in a voice full of concentration she found utterly sexy. Just the thought that he was permanently altering her skin—just like he’d permanently altered her heart, her life, her very soul—sent a hot thrill through her blood.


“I’m good,” she said, relaxing into the sensation of the bite moving across her skin. “Is it weird that I kinda like how it feels?”


He didn’t answer right away as the needle moved in a long line. He pulled the machine away and wiped at her shoulder. “Not weird at all,” he said, his voice a little gravelly. “Some people like the sensation and even find getting tattoos addictive.”


“I can see that,” she said. He worked without talking for a stretch, and the combination of the quiet intensity radiating off of him, the driving rock beat, and the buzz of the machine was heady and intoxicating. She found herself breathing a little faster and wanting so much more of him to be touching so much more of her. If she thought he was sexy putting ink on someone else, it was nothing compared to how she felt when he was doing it to her.


“What are you thinking about so hard?” Nick asked, his breath caressing her bare shoulder.


“Really want to know?” she asked, already smiling at what his reaction might be.


“Always,” he said, wiping at her skin. He dipped the machine in the ink and leaned in again.


“How turned on this is making me.” She really wanted to turn to see his expression but knew she wasn’t supposed to move.


He pulled the machine away again. “Jesus, Becca. You’re killing me here.”


She grinned. “I asked if you really wanted to know.”


Nick chuffed out a laugh. “Yeah, well, I’ve never had a fucking hard-on the entire time I’ve done a tattoo before, so you’re not the only one.”


Becca unleashed a small moan. “Now you’ve got me thinking about your cock, Nick.” She couldn’t help the hint of a whine in her voice.


“You’ll never convince me that that’s a bad thing, Sunshine.”




4.5 Stars


Live hard, Love harder.
Moving forward from the darkness that has lingered around them for months, Nick and Becca begin to start their forever.  As life returns to normal a black cloud of the past lingers in the present.  Laura Kaye treats her readers with a suspenseful and passion filled ending to the Hard Ink Series. Becca and Nick started the Hard Ink journey, and it more than fitting we get to see their big day.  Intense passion and hair raising mystery grace the pages as readers see why one fights so hard for love.

A huge thank you to Laura Kaye for giving readers a group of broken Heros and made us fall in love over again with each book. An excellent ending to a amazing hot, heartfelt and hopeful series.


Author PhotoAbout Laura Kaye:

Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense, including the Hard Ink and upcoming Raven Riders series. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.




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Release Day Review: Sketch by Laramie Briscoe


My name is Devin, but everybody calls me Sketch. I opened my own tattoo shop two years ago, and I’ve finally gotten to the point where I’m going to be able to give my wife everything she’s ever wanted. I’m going to be able to take time off and spend a day a week with her. In fact, tonight, I stopped and grabbed some wine, got her flowers, and those chocolates she likes. 


What I wasn’t prepared for was to be met at the front door by her carrying her sh*t out.
She loves me, but she’s not in love with me anymore. What kind of bulls*it excuse is that? I’ve left her alone too often, I’ve been completely focused on one goal, and apparently she’s sick of waiting.
So here I stand. Half the man I was, p*ssed as f*ck, because while I was busy making a better life for us, she was under the impression I was leaving her lonely. I know one day she’ll see what I’ve been doing has been for us, and when that day comes… She can damn well come crawling back to me.


A Tattoo Artist – A Husband – An Alpha Male Who
Makes No Excuses


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5 Stars


I had the wonderful fortune of being introduced to Ms. Briscoe’s work by a fellow reader and friend who I trust when she says need to read this. Through the journey of her stories I have gotten to see Ms. Briscoe grow tremendously as a writer. In a little under two years she has made her way into one of my favorite authors spots. With her latest work, Ms. Briscoe has truly stepped to a new level that far exceeds any expectations I have come to develop in her work.


Sketch is raw, real and deep. This is a book that hits close to home in a big way. Falling in love is the easy part, maintaining it is where it gets real.  Ms. Briscoe hits it right on with Sketch.  Relationships are filled with emotion, both good and bad. Communication is the key to keeping everything level, and as relationships are filled with emotion, both good and bad. Highs and lows.  It’s how the couple communicates to get through it.  Sketch and Nina’s story is so real it gave me chills as I was reading, and had me looking back on my own feelings in my ten year running relationship.  There is no way you will not feel something while reading Sketch. And you will be proud to say #IGOTSKETCHED!


Sketch is Ms. Briscoe’s best work. Her voice as a writer is shining through creating magic with her words.  A five star read and a top read for 2016.






Laramie Briscoe is the best-selling author of the Heaven Hill Series & the Rockin’ Country Series.
Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie Briscoe has published over 10 books. She’s appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on iBooks, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. She’s been called “a very young Maya Banks” (Amazon reviewer) and her books have been accused of being “sexy, family-oriented, romances with heart”.
When she’s not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on her DVR. Married to her high school sweetheart, Laramie lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband (the Travel Coordinator) and a sometimes crazy cat named Beau.




Every day during release week you will find a new giveaway on Laramie’s facebook page. Be sure to hop over and enter to win any one of the amazing prizes she will be giving away!

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Love in The Light Release Day

Love in the Light - RWB banner


We cannot tell you how excited we are to bring you the Release Week Blitz for LOVE IN THE LIGHT by Laura Kaye! LOVE IN THE LIGHT is a novel told in dual POV and Part Two of her bestselling Hearts in Darkness Duet. This much anticipated follow-up is finally here! Make sure you grab your copy of this sexy novel today, and if you’re new to the series you can grab the first novella HEARTS IN DARKNESS for just $.99 for a limited time!


Love in the Light - cover

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About LOVE IN THE LIGHT (Hearts in Darkness Duet #2):

Two hearts in the darkness…

Makenna James and Caden Grayson have been inseparable since the day they were trapped in a pitch-black elevator and found acceptance and love in the arms of a stranger. Makenna hopes that night put them on the path to forever—which can’t happen until she introduces her tattooed, pierced, and scarred boyfriend to her father and three over-protective brothers.

Must fight for love in the light…

Haunted by a childhood tragedy and the loss of his family, Caden never thought he’d find the love he shares with Makenna. But the deeper he falls, the more he fears the devastation sure to come if he ever lost her, too. When meeting her family doesn’t go smoothly, Caden questions whether Makenna deserves someone better, stronger, and just more…normal. Maybe they’re too different—and he’s far too damaged—after all…


Love in the Light - Teaser 1



“Readers that have been anxiously waiting for more of this story will be thrilled with the passionate and poignant way Kaye dives back in with this complicated and much loved couple. Love in the Light will have readers falling in love with Caden and Makenna all over again!” ~ Jay Crownover, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Marked Men Series

“Sexy, emotional and incredibly heartwarming, fans of Laura Kaye won’t be disappointed!” ~ Monica Murphy, New York Times Bestselling Author of the One Week Girlfriend Quartet

“Laura Kaye has a gift for writing beautifully damaged men and Caden Grayson leads the pack with enough vulnerability to twist your heart in knots.” ~ Tessa Bailey, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Line of Duty Series

“This book delivers – sweet romance, smoking hot sex, an entire tissue box full of angsty drama, and such love shining off the pages that it will blind you.” ~ Christi Barth, Author of the Shore Secrets Series

“This follow up to one of the most beloved couples in romance is delivered in the emotional and touching way that only Laura Kaye can do. Love in the Light is everything I could have wanted for Makenna and Caden–and more!” ~ Jillian Stein, Read-Love-Blog



Love in the Light - Teaser 2



And don’t miss the first title, Hearts in Darkness, at 99 cents!



Hearts in Darkness -99 sale




Author PhotoAbout Laura Kaye:

Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.





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Love in the Light - Available now


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Release Blitz: Talon by Carian Cole




Title: Talon

Series: Ashes & Embers #4

Author: Carian Cole

Genre: Contemporary Romance

 Release Date: November 24, 2015




Caring. Hard-working. A devoted family man, loves kids.

Clean cut, funny, smart, quiet, but a good communicator.


~ Asia Jenson



Independent. Tall, blonde, sexy. Outgoing. Intelligent,

neat. Unslutty. Confident. Loves to travel. Committed.


~ Talon Valentine



The concept was scary but exciting…

Marry a total stranger.

Live together for six months.

Journal everything. (Feelings. Fights. All of it.)

After six months, we each get $50K in trade for our journals, whether we stay married or not. But the goal is to commit to the experience and see if the relationship experts could put together the perfect matches.

I have never been lucky in love. This was my chance to find my soulmate.

I couldn’t wait to meet the man the experts felt was perfect for me.

My hopes were immediately dashed when I saw him at the altar.

Shit. I married my worst nightmare.


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At first she doesn’t even know I’m there, and I have the pleasure of seeing her lying back, her eyes closed, one leg bent up and peeking out from the bubbles. And damn those fucking bubbles, they’re covering everything else.

The universe is doing everything it can to prevent me from seeing my wife naked. I would laugh at that fact if it didn’t bug me so damn much. I’m pretty sure karma is slapping me in the face for insulting her so many times, and karma is a bitch who has no fucks to give about my blue balls.

Her eyes suddenly snap open and she jumps when she sees me, water splashing around her.

“Tally, you scared the shit out of me. Why are you creeping around?” She crosses her arms over her chest and a few bubbles float up in the air. I love that my childhood nickname just slipped out of her mouth without her even realizing it. It sounded so intimate on her lips that I want to hear her say it again and again.

“I wasn’t creeping; I just walked in. Should I wear a bell around my neck like the Princess?” I lean against the doorframe and gaze at her in the candlelight, her skin dewy from the moist heat, and I can’t understand why she doesn’t want me in that tub with her.

“What are you doing in here?”

I cross the room and kneel down next to the tub, taking in the way her eyes shift to my naked chest.

“I wanted to see your bath bomb in action.” My eyes travel languidly down the length of her in the tub and catch glimpses of pink water under the bubbles.

“This one is actually a bubble bomb. See the bubbles?” She lifts her hand and blows the bubbles up over my head.

I grab her hand and bring it to my lips. “I see that. Pink water, too. Very pretty.” I close my eyes as I kiss her hand, tasting the sweet water on her. “What flavor are you tonight? It’s yummy.”

She swallows and I can feel her hand trembling ever so slightly in mine. “It’s cotton candy.”

I nod my approval. “I like it. A lot.”

She shifts in the water, lowering the leg that was up and raising the other, giving me a quick glimpse of her thigh as she does so.

“Do you think about me when you’re in here?” I ask her, releasing her hand so I can dip my fingers into the warm water.

“I think about you all the time.”

My heart does a funny lurch I’m pretty sure it ain’t never done before. “Well, that’s just about the best thing I’ve ever heard.”

I let my hand slide farther into the water until it’s gliding over her outer thigh under the bubbles. “The water feels slippery,” I comment. “So does your skin.”

“It’s from the oils.”

Stretching my other arm out along the edge of the tub, I lean toward her face. “I like how it feels. I should be in there with you, all slippery and wet.”

“You’re too big,” she murmurs, locking her eyes on to mine.

Laughing, I kiss her vanilla flavored lips. “I’m gonna ignore that big comment, baby.”

She smiles against my mouth. “You’re so bad.”

“I know… So, I’m going to have to do this the hard way, then. Since I can’t get in there.” I slide my hand farther down her leg, over her knee to her calf, squeezing gently.

“Do what?”

“Give you your first orgasm.”

A small gasp of surprise comes out of her, and a seductive little grin graces her lips. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’ve had orgasms before.”

“Not from me.” I rub my nose along hers, feeling her breath against my face. “And that’s gonna change right now, Mrs. Valentine.”

I cup the back of her head with one hand and press my mouth to hers, licking her lips while slowly dragging my other hand up the inside of her leg beneath the water to finally brush my fingers gently across her lower lips. I silently curse the water for not letting me feel her wetness.

Her mouth opens to mine and I delve my tongue inside, tasting the heat of her breath and catching the sweet moan she lets out when I push my finger into her warmth. Her thighs part and her hand comes up out of the water to caress my cheek as I let my hand own her, my thumb rubbing her pulsing clit while I slip my fingers in and out of her. My cock throbs like mad in my shorts, begging to get into her. Holy fuck, is she tight. Three years of no sex is very, very good.

Her thighs squeeze my hand and she grasps the side of my neck, her breath panting against my mouth, and I know she’s there already. I really want to drag this out, tease her and make her crazy, but that seems cruel right now when she’s writhing her hot little core all over my hand and devouring my lips. I like little horny Asia. A lot.

I want to pull her out of the tub and take her right here on the floor and put an end to this madness, but I’m hell-bent on sticking to my promise to her, even if my dick hates me.

Her walls clench and drench around my swirling fingers up inside her, while the rest of her body arches up, pressing against me, her muscles tightening and quivering. I kiss her softly as she recovers from the first of many sexual escapades I have planned for her now that the doors have been opened, so to speak.

“Who’s my girl?” I whisper against her ear, moving my hand up to caress her stomach.

“Me,” she answers breathlessly

“That’s right.”

My girl. The last thing I thought I would ever want, and now, all I could ever want.

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Author Bio


I have a passion for the bad boys, those covered in tattoos, sexy smirks, ripped jeans, fast cars, motorcycles and of course, the sweet girls that try to tame them and win their hearts. My debut series, Ashes & Embers, follows the lives of rock band members as they find, and sometimes lose, the loves of their lives.

Born and raised a Jersey girl, I now reside in beautiful New Hampshire with my husband and our multitude of furry pets and spend most of my time writing, reading, and vacuuming.

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Audio Review: Tempting Boundaries by Carrie Ann Ryan 

temptingTempting Boundaries 

Carrie Ann Ryan 

Montgomery Ink Series, Book 3

Narrator:Gregory Salinas 

Audiobook Published: June 2015


Decker Kendrick knows it’s wrong to have feelings for his best friend’s little sister, but that doesn’t stop his thoughts from going down that path. No matter how hard he’s tried to stay away from Miranda, once she gets her sights on him, there’s no backing down.

Miranda Montgomery might be the youngest of the Montgomery clan, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what she wants. Namely—Decker. She’s loved him for as long as she can remember and won’t walk away until she gives it her all.

But once they give in, not all is at it seems. Decker’s father’s out of jail and someone from Miranda’s past isn’t happy with the new relationship. Even as they start to move on and overcome their pain, they’ll find that their inner obstacles are the ones they’ll have to face first.


4.5 Stars

Fun, feisty and explosive.
Gregory Salinas turns up the heat on my favorite and most erotic book of the Montgomery Ink Series, Tempting Boundaries. Reading this book was hot. Listening to the narration is a raging fire. Miranda and Decker are explosive. They have secretly watched, longed and lusted after each other long then both are willing to admit. Building something before even touching each other. Gregory once again add another level of passion, lust and emotion to Carrie Ann Ryan’s words that dig into your heart deep. Gregory Salinas smooth voice is perfect for Decker’s dirty talking ways. Hot, hot, hot!




Audio Review: Delicate Ink by Carrie Ann Ryan

18584406Delicate Ink

Carrie Ann Ryan

Montgomery Ink Series, Book 1

Narrator: Gregory Salinas

Published October 14th 2014


On the wrong side of thirty, Austin Montgomery is ready to settle down. Unfortunately, his inked sleeves and scruffy beard isn’t the suave business appearance some women crave. Only finding a woman who can deal with his job, as a tattoo artist and owner of Montgomery Ink, his seven meddling siblings, and his own gruff attitude won’t be easy.

Finding a man is the last thing on Sierra Elder’s mind. A recent transplant to Denver, her focus is on opening her own boutique. Wanting to cover up scars that run deeper than her flesh, she finds in Austin a man that truly gets to her—in more ways than one.

Although wary, they embark on a slow, tempestuous burn of a relationship. When blasts from both their pasts intrude on their present, however, it will take more than a promise of what could be to keep them together.




4 Stars

Carrie Ann Ryan’s Delicate Ink is an emotional and sexy journey of finding love when life throws you almost more than you can handle.


Austin and Sierra’s story is fun, overwhelming, passionate and heartbreaking. Carrie Ann Ryan never fails to make her reader feel. Strong, hard and real emotions. Delicate Ink is more than Austin and Sierra’s story. It’s learning to love and family is more than blood. The Montgomery’s have big hearts and open arms. Even in a time a family crisis, then are more than willing to step up or take more into their hold. I truly love this series.
Gregory Salinas guides the reader through attraction, passion, emotions and life’s surprises that encompass Austin and Sierra’s story like  you’re standing right next to them. Gregory’s voice puts a spark to the words filled with emotion bringing it to life in a whole new way. Within minutes the reader feels like they have become part of the Montgomery family.

