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Review: Holiday Spirits by Yasmine Galenorn


Holiday Spirits

Yasmine Galenorn

Chintz ‘n China Series, Book 6

Published December 1st 2016 by Nightqueen Enterprises, LLC
Kindle Edition, 69 pages


When Kip gets himself in serious trouble, a strange spirit enters the house—one that at first poses as Santa Claus. But beneath that jolly exterior, lies a dark creature from legend and lore. Join Emerald O’Brien for the holidays, as she battles both psychic turbulence as well as the demons every mother faces when her child lands in trouble with the law.







4 Stars


A nasty Christmas spirit has taken residence in Emerald’s basement causing more than ghostly activity to be revealed.  Kip is growing up and getting himself into trouble. Emerald shows that a mother’s love is sometimes tough but is always with love.


I so enjoyed seeing Joe and Emerald settling into being a family. The care they all show for each other is wonderful. I love seeing family traditions being passed down from one generation to the next.  Yasmine Galenorn treats readers with a little visit with Emerald and family in Holiday Spirits.  A little mystery, some lessons learned and humor make this visit very enjoyable.


A copy of this title was provided for an honest review.



Review: One Hex of a Wedding by Yasmine Galenorn

hexOne Hex of a Wedding

Yasmine Galenorn

Chintz ‘n China Series, Book 5

Kindle Edition, 245 pages
Published November 12th 2016 by Nightqueen Enterprises, LLC
(first published January 1st 2006)


Emerald O’Brien is about to tie the knot with her fiance Joe, but one uninvited guest to their engagement party reminds her that some ties still need to be severed. Her ex-hubby Roy can’t hold his liquor–or his temper–and after brawling with Joe, he threatens to ruin their wedding. When Joe is wounded from a gunshot the next day, Roy becomes the prime suspect. Emerald knows her ex has a mean streak a mile wide but doesn’t believe he’d be capable of attempted murder. And when a sinister presence starts stalking her maid of honor, Em begins to worry that her marriage has been cursed before she’s even walked down the aisle…







3.5 Stars


Nothing like a wedding to shake things up…. Even magically.


Ms. Galenorn takes us out of the tea shop and the craziness has hit the fan. Emerald’s family is in town, the drunken ex shows up and the BFF has a stalker.  That doesn’t even include the paranormal aspect of story!  I loved all the family moments of One Hex of a Wedding. Getting to see a different side of Emerald, that just shows what a wonderful character she is.
Ms. Galenorn ends the Chintz ‘n China Series on a high note. One Hex of a Wedding has a good plot, excellent character development, great paranormal aspects and a well written mystery.  Many moments to laugh out loud with. Along with a storyline that will keep you turning the pages. Ms. Galenorn consistently gave readers an engaging story, while keeping them guessing through the entire series.  Emerald has grown considerably throughout the series, magically and personality. I have enjoyed spending time in the tea shop and shall miss visiting with them.



Review: A Harvest of Bones by Yasmine Galenorn



A Harvest of Bones

Yasmine Galenorn

Chintz n’ China Series, Book 4

Kindle Edition, 239 pages
Published November 12th 2016 by Nightqueen Enterprises, LLC
(first published December 6th 2005)



It’s harvest time in Chiqetaw, Washington; Emerald O’Brien’s favorite season. But this year, nature yields a most supernatural bounty. When Em and her sweetie, Joe, stumble over a bramble-covered foundation that has remained hidden for fifty years in the lot next door, strange events begin to occur. The cat vanishes. Will o’ the Wisps threaten to harm Emerald and her loved ones. And the ghost of a woman named Brigit and her beloved calico make themselves at home in the backyard. Now it’s up to Em and her friends to delve into the past, reveal the secrets of the dead and lay them to rest as they ring in the autumn with a harvest of bones.





3.5 Stars


A thoughtful gesture has caused a lot of ghostly havoc for Emerald and crew in the fourth book of the Chintz ‘n China Series, A Harvest of Bones.


As Emerald and Joe clear a vacant lot for the expansion of an herb garden, they uncover a foundation of a forgotten building and unknowingly unearthed something quite dangerous. The Magic and mystery fly as Emerald races against time to solve a decades old murder, help a ghost and find her missing cat.


A Harvest of Bones has a historical fiction feel mixed within the paranormal. The folklore and the journal entries enhance the storyline and depth to the book. Each of book of the series has a completely different feeling surrounding it. A Harvest of Bones has a somber and darker feel mixed within the mystery. I feel it allowed the reader to become closer with the characters. Emerald continued to grow along with the story. She was forced to face fears on the drop of a dime, She took them head on.  I very much enjoyed A Harvest of Bones!  Romance, paranormal and mystery weaved together for a wonderful tale.




Review: Murder Under A Mystic Moon by Yasmine Galenorn




Murder Under a Mystic Moon

Yasmine Galenorn

Chintz ‘n China Series, Book 3

Kindle Edition, 292 pages
Published November 1st 2016 by Nightqueen Enterprises, LLC
(first published January 4th 2004)



With her teenaged daughter’s birthday on the horizon and the town’s autumn festival in full swing, Emerald has her hands full with party preparations and teashop specials. But a request from her friend Jimbo has her using her abilities to look into the disappearance of his friend. In the woods surrounding the Klickavail Valley enclave, Emerald senses a strange energy manifesting itself-before literally stumbling across the body of Jimbo’s friend. While the police are willing to blame the death on a cougar attack, Emerald knows there’s something else wandering the forest-something that resembles the Klakatat monster of legend, but may actually be a monster of a more human kind.





3.5 Stars


Excellent paranormal mystery.


Someone has it in for bikers and Emerald has  found herself tangled in another tale of mystery and murder.  Murder Under a Mystic Moon, the third book of the Chintz ‘n China Series is filled with suspense and magic. Ms. Galenorn gives readers her twists on legend and lore, creating a unique story.  A lot of character development with Emerald, which I love. I feel like I really got to know her in this book.  Life throws her a lot of curveballs, and I enjoy seeing her work her way through them.


Murder Under a Mystic Moon is rich in imagination and has a nice twist with the suspense.  A fine paranormal mystery.
A copy of this title was provided for review.


Review: Legend of the Jade Dragon by Yasmine Galenorn



Legend of the Jade Dragon

Yasmine Galenorn

A Chintz ‘n China Mystery, Book 2



Tarot cards seldom lie. So when they predict chaos and bad luck for her last client of the day, Emerald gets more than a little worried. He leaves behind a charming jade statue of a dragon–but promptly dies in a hit-and-run accident outside of her shop. When other terrible things begin to plague Em and her family, the only explanation is the jade dragon. To thwart its evil spell, she’ll have to follow a trail of heartache all the way back to China’s Ming Dynasty–and its ancient–and sometimes harsh–mysteries






4 Stars


Emerald is a single mom with a talent for reading tarot cards. She’s a practical woman with some playfulness thrown in. She a different type of heroine that I really enjoyed.

After an uneasy reading Emerald finds herself the owner of a mysterious dragon trinket and the bearer of bad luck. Adventure and mystery with a touch of paranormal send Emerald and crew on a fact finding mission to break ancient curse.

Legend of the Jade Dragon is a fun and twisting small town paranormal mystery. Rich details allow the reader to fully picture story with in their minds. The characters are well-developed. Each containing depth, charisma and individualistic traits that make each character’s personality unique and very likable. The plot keeps the book moving along with keeping a reader guess. Legend of the Jade Dragon is a very enjoyable cozy mystery with a touch of romance.



