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Review: Holiday Spirits by Yasmine Galenorn


Holiday Spirits

Yasmine Galenorn

Chintz ‘n China Series, Book 6

Published December 1st 2016 by Nightqueen Enterprises, LLC
Kindle Edition, 69 pages


When Kip gets himself in serious trouble, a strange spirit enters the house—one that at first poses as Santa Claus. But beneath that jolly exterior, lies a dark creature from legend and lore. Join Emerald O’Brien for the holidays, as she battles both psychic turbulence as well as the demons every mother faces when her child lands in trouble with the law.







4 Stars


A nasty Christmas spirit has taken residence in Emerald’s basement causing more than ghostly activity to be revealed.  Kip is growing up and getting himself into trouble. Emerald shows that a mother’s love is sometimes tough but is always with love.


I so enjoyed seeing Joe and Emerald settling into being a family. The care they all show for each other is wonderful. I love seeing family traditions being passed down from one generation to the next.  Yasmine Galenorn treats readers with a little visit with Emerald and family in Holiday Spirits.  A little mystery, some lessons learned and humor make this visit very enjoyable.


A copy of this title was provided for an honest review.

