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Cover Reveal: Holding on Tighter by Shayla Black

We are happy to bring you the next cover in the Wicked Lovers Series HOLDING ON TIGHTER. This standalone novel will release on February 7, 2017.







HoldingOnTighter_FCO.inddJolie Quinn is a woman in charge. Her no-nonsense attitude has made her a rising star in the fashion world and her brand a household name among the Dallas elite. Nothing will stop her from achieving her goals—not even the gorgeous British security contractor who seems just as interested in seeing her personal assets as he is in protecting her professional ones.

After a tragedy left him broken, Heath Powell made a rule of staying unattached. But Jolie challenges him in a way he can’t ignore, and he isn’t used to backing down from a confrontation—especially when the reward for winning could feel so good. As passion blazes between them, the stubborn, confident beauty arouses more than his desire. She touches his heart.

When a mysterious enemy threatens Jolie and her company, Heath is the only person Jolie can trust to help. But working with him to save her business might put her dangerously at risk of falling in love…




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ShaylaBlack highresShayla Black is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than forty novels. For over fifteen years, she’s written contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances via traditional, independent, foreign, and audio publishers. Her books have sold well over a million copies and been published in a dozen languages.

Raised an only child, Shayla occupied herself with lots of daydreaming, much to the chagrin of her teachers. In college, she found her love for reading and realized that she could have a career publishing the stories spinning in her imagination. Though she graduated with a degree in Marketing/Advertising and embarked on a stint in corporate America to pay the bills, her heart has always been with her characters. She’s thrilled that she’s been living her dream as a full-time author for the past seven years.

Shayla currently lives in North Texas with her wonderfully supportive husband, her teenage daughter, and a very spoiled cat. In her “free” time, she enjoys reality TV, reading, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.


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ARC Review: Pure Wicked by Shayla Black

S1001Pure Wicked

Shayla Black

Wicked Lovers Series, Book 9.5

1001 Dark Nights Series, Book 24

100 pages, EBOOK

Publish Date: September 8, 2015

Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated


During his decade as an international pop star, Jesse McCall has lived every day in the fast lane. A committed hedonist reveling in amazing highs, globetrotting, and nameless encounters, he refuses to think about his loneliness or empty future. Then tragedy strikes.

Shocked and grieving, he sheds his identity and walks away, searching for peace. Instead, he finds Bristol Reese, a no-nonsense beauty scraping to keep her family’s business afloat while struggling with her own demons. He’s intent on seducing her, but other than a pleasure-filled night, she’s not interested in a player, especially after her boyfriend recently proposed to her sister. In order to claim Bristol, Jesse has to prove he’s not the kind of man he’s always been. But when she learns his identity and his past comes back to haunt him, how will he convince her that he’s a changed man who wants nothing more than to make her his forever?



4.5 Stars

Pure Wicked is a treat for the fans of the Wicked Lovers Series.


Jesse McCall was introduced to readers in Decadent, book two of the Wicked Lovers Series. A Rockstar, bad boy with the reputation to go with. A man who got what he wanted, when he wanted. Fully indulging in his lifestyle, Jessie’s life was on a dangerous path. Fast forward 10 years, tragedy strikes very close to his heart. While cleaning up his own act, his friend and band mate, continued to walk a fine line between life and death, and lost.

In a moment of unexpected chivalry, while laying low, Jesse’s eyes open to what he wants and truly needs in life.  A changed man, Jesse learns what love and real passion truly are.  Like all men of the Wicked Lovers series, they fall hard and fast. The chemistry is intense and off the charts. The passion is wickedly sexy and scorches the pages.  I loved seeing how some time and growing up made a bad boy into a wickedly good man.  Shayla Black knows how to raise the temperature and cause a reader’s heart to race.

An ecopy of this title was provided for an honest review!


1001 Dark Nights: Forever Wicked by Shayla Black

FW_1001-Dark-Nights_Shayla-Black_300dpi-200x300Forever Wicked

Wicked Lovers, Book 7.75

They had nothing in common but a desperate passion…

Billionaire Jason Denning lived life fast and hard in a world where anything could be bought and sold, even affection. But all that changed when he met “Greta,” a beautiful stranger ready to explore her hidden desires. From a blue collar family, Gia Angelotti wore a badge, fought for right—and opened herself utterly to love him. Blindsided and falling hard, Jason does the first impulsive thing of his life and hustles her to the altar.

Until a second chance proved that forever could be theirs.

Then tragedy ripped Jason’s new bride from his arms and out of his life. When he finds Gia again, he gives her a choice: spend the three weeks before their first anniversary with him or forfeit the money she receives from their marriage. Reluctantly, she agrees to once again put herself at his mercy and return to his bed. But having her right where he wants her is dangerous for Jason’s peace of mind. No matter how hard he tries, he finds himself falling for her again. Will he learn to trust that their love is real before Gia leaves again for good?

review5 of 5 Stars

From the moment we got our first glimpse of Jason and Greta in Logan’s book of the wicked lover series, I knew there had to be more to the two of them than the dominant submissive relationship. They are the opposites attract couple.

Jason Denning is the powerful and wealthy man who is used to getting what he wants, pretty much when he wants it. He is also a sexy Dom at our favorite club, Dominion. He comes from the corporate high class world where things like marriages and children are arranged and contracted. Love is not a word Jason knows the meaning to. Jason has to learn that there are things money can’t buy.

Gia Angelotti aka Greta, is what you would call a good woman. She a civil worker, kind hearted and loyal beyond belief to her family, but she also had secret needs. Joining club Dominion To express and learn about personal side, Gia got more than what was included with her monthly dues. Her connection with Jason lead to be more just a dominant submissive relationship, he got her to marry him. On their wedding night, while eloping in Vegas a tragic accident the falls upon Gia’s family. She leaves to care for her family. Meanwhile not speaking with Jason for almost a year.

Jason and Gia have to have one of my favorite stories from the wicked lover series. Touching, thought-provoking, emotional and sexy as hell, these to go on a roller coaster ride that shakes up both their lives. They both are so different and I think that what makes them so good together. He wants nothing more to have that woman by his side to be able to provide for her.

Gia wants to be loved, not just take care of. Gia is special because she gets to teach Jason what love truly is and that money can’t buy true happiness.

A must read for anyone who enjoys the Wicked Lover Series or a good d/s story.
