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Cover Reveal: Hard Ever After by Laura Kaye

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We cannot tell you how excited we are to bring you the Cover Reveal for Laura Kaye’s HARD EVER AFTER!! HARD EVER AFTER is a novella in Laura’s New York Times and USA Today bestselling Hard Ink Series, published by Avon Impulse. You can read all about Nick and Becca’s happily ever after on February 2, 2016!! Pre-order your copy of this must-have novella today!


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About Hard Ever After:

Justice served. Honor restored. Team reunited.

After a long battle to discover the truth, the men and women of Hard Ink have a lot to celebrate, especially the wedding of two of their own—Nick Rixey and Becca Merritt, whose hard-fought love deserves a happy ending.

As Nick and the team shift from crisis mode to building their new security consulting firm, Becca heads back to work at the ER. But amid the everyday chaos of demanding jobs and their upcoming nuptials, an old menace they thought long gone reemerges, threatening the peace they’ve only just found.

Now, for one last time, Nick and Becca must fight for their always and forever, because they know that when true love overcomes all the odds it lasts hard ever after.


Author PhotoAbout Laura Kaye:

Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense, including the Hard Ink and upcoming Raven Riders series. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.




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Carian Cole’s Double Cover Reveal




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Carian Cole has surprised us with a double cover reveal – and they are HOT!!

Storm (Ashes & Embers book 1) has a new cover!

Cover Designer : Kari Ayasha at Cover to Cover Designs

Model : Joel Hicks

Photog : Joel Hicks Book Covers


Storm has also gone through a make-over with new formatting and has been re-edited to fix a few small hiccups in grammar and punctuation. The story itself has not changed!

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Amazon US :

Amazon UK :



Loving Storm (an Ashes & Embers sequel for Storm)

Cover Designer : Kari Ayasha at Cover to Cover Designs

Models : Joel Hicks and Arianna Lily

Photog : Joel Hicks Book covers


Loving Storm Blurb:

I met him in a snow storm…

We spent forty-eight hours trapped in the back of his pickup truck.

We fought.

We touched.

We fell.


She literally crashed into my life…

The last thing I wanted was a relationship. Especially with a quirky chick that drove me insane. But something about her got under my skin, and into my heart.

And I had to have her.

All of her. Now.

Falling in love in the back of a truck, just the two of us, was easy.

Finding out he’s a famous rock star, dealing with jealous fans, psycho exes, and demons from the past….not so easy.

Release Date : TBA



Vandal (Ashes & Embers book 2)

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Lukas (Ashes & Embers book 3)

Lukas-ebook-cover (2)

Amazon US :

Amazon UK :



I have a passion for the bad boys, those covered in tattoos, sexy smirks, ripped jeans, fast cars, motorcycles and of course, the sweet girls that try to tame them and win their hearts. My debut series, Ashes & Embers, follows the lives of rock band members as they find, and sometimes lose, the loves of their lives.

Born and raised a Jersey girl, I now reside in the mountains of beautiful New Hampshire with my husband and our multitude of furry pets and spend most of my time writing, reading, and vacuuming.



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Cover Reveal: Sketch by Laramie Briscoe

by Laramie Briscoe
Release Date: January 21, 2016

Read the rest of this entry

ARC Review: Hard As Steel by Laura Kaye

1001Hard As Steel 

Laura Kaye 

Hard Ink/Raven Riders crossover novella

1001 Dark Nights Series 

Kindle Edition, 100 pages
Published September 22nd 2015 by Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated
After identifying her employer’s dangerous enemies, Jessica Jakes takes refuge at the compound of the Raven Riders Motorcycle Club. Fellow Hard Ink tattooist and Raven leader Ike Young promises to keep Jess safe for as long as it takes, which would be perfect if his close, personal, round-the-clock protection didn’t make it so hard to hide just how much she wants him—and always has.

Ike Young loved and lost a woman in trouble once before. The last thing he needs is alone time with the sexiest and feistiest woman he’s ever known, one he’s purposely kept at a distance for years. Now, Ike’s not sure he can keep his hands or his heart to himself—or that he even wants to anymore. And that means he has to do whatever it takes to hold on to Jess forever.

5 Stars

Edgy, hard and hot!
Ike and Jess have continued a dance of friendship wanting more for years. When forced to lay low in Ike’s cabin the truth of wants and needs becomes to hard to ignore.  Temptation, small spaces and chemistry push Jess and Ike beyond their limits.

Jess is sassy, funny and wears her heart on her sleeve. Ike is protective, hard as steel and so sexy.  Opposites that compliment each other perfectly. Chemistry that turns passion into a raging fire.  A darker edge that makes the romance sinfully wicked!  Jess and Ike together creates a whole new meaning to the word HOT!
Laura Kaye gives her readers a sexually tense and emotionally intense fueled ride straight into the world of the Raven Riders. Hard As Steel is a perfect example of what I have come to love from Laura Kaye. An emotional, sexy and tempting story with passion and heart.  Leaving the the reader with a racing heart. And so wanting more.  This is one you truly don’t want to miss. Bring on the Raven Riders!
A complimentary copy was provided for an honest review.

ARC Review: Lukas by Carian Cole – Blog Tour

Lukas tour banner

Lukas cover

Book Title: Lukas (Ashes & Embers #3)

Author: Carian Cole

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: July 30, 2015

Hosted by: Book Fancy



Storm’s younger cousin.

Vandal’s little brother.

You’ve met him in the background.

The sweet one.

The nice one.

The one they can all rely on.

The good one.

He’s a tattoo artist. He plays metal and classical music – on the violin.

He’s got a body built for sin.

He’s 24.

In comes Ivy. She’s a 36 year old single mom who hasn’t dated in 18 years.

All she wanted was a tattoo.

She got a helluva lot more 🙂

Being good has never been so bad.







buy links

Lukas full cover


storm cover

Storm (Ashes & Embers #1) Buy Links:


Amazon UK

Barnes & Noble Nook



Vandal cover

Vandal (Ashes & Embers #2) Buy Links:


Amazon UK

Barnes & Noble Nook

Google Play



I have a passion for the bad boys, those covered in tattoos, sexy smirks, ripped jeans, fast cars, motorcycles and of course, the sweet girls that try to tame them and win their hearts. My debut series, Ashes & Embers, follows the lives of rock band members as they find, and sometimes lose, the loves of their lives.

My first novel in the Ashes & Embers series, Storm, was published in September of 2014 and book 2, Vandal, was published in February 2015 with several more of this series planned throughout 2015.

Born and raised a Jersey girl, I now reside in beautiful New Hampshire with my husband and our multitude of furry pets and spend most of my time writing, reading, and vacuuming.

BF Logo 2


 5 Stars


Lukas. That man has the soul of a saint after playing on a road paved to hell for too long.  How is heart is so big and filled with compassion is the making of miracle. Smart, caring, and extremely talented.  With scars that lay deep, Lukas is star shining is the blackness. He is the glue that helps hold his brother and cousins together, all while breaking apart inside. Not an Alpha, but a bit more than a Beta, if Lukas doesn’t warm his way into your heart, you just don’t know how to feel.


Ivy’s life changed in the blink of an eye. Leaving her a single mother and a bit lost.  Left with fears and insecurities that any woman would be feeling, Ivy takes a leap of faith on herself and starts to live for her. Who knew that getting a tattoo would put into motion a chain of events that puts this average thirty something mother in a tail spin of pleasure, love and freedom.


Carian Cole set a very different tone with Lukas that had every hair on my body standing. Raw and real emotions fill every page of Lukas and Ivy’s story. Passion, lust, insecurity, feeling lost and being found.  Written so well you can’t help to get sucked into this realistic story.  Ms. Cole makes me feel and that is what I love. Whether it be happiness, sorrow or excitement woven into her words that make up her stories, I am able to feel that. That’s the making of a damn good writer.




Laura Kaye’s HARD TO LET GO Release Blitz

HTLG RWB banner


We are so excited to bring you the Release Week Blitz for Laura Kaye’s HARD TO LET GO! HARD TO LET GO is the 4th novel in Laura’s Hard Ink Series, published by Avon Romance. Grab your copy of this sexy, suspenseful book today!!


Hard to Let Go - cover

Amazon | B&N | iBooks| Kobo

Hard to Let Go on Goodreads


Beckett was a wrung-out mess. He’d just spent the past hour talking to Emilie, and it was maybe more than he’d talked at one time in his whole life. He couldn’t exactly say he felt good, and maybe not even better, but he could say that he was a little proud of himself for facing his past. Didn’t matter that dealing with that shit was as comfortable as swallowing crushed glass, because choking it down was the only way he’d have a chance at a future.

At least, a future that he really, truly wanted.

One where he wasn’t alone. One where he wasn’t angry. One where he wasn’t wasting the time he might have left on this earth—time his seven fallen teammates no longer had.

Jogging down the stairs from the third-floor apartment, Beckett headed to the gym. No matter how trashed he felt, he had one more conversation that absolutely had to happen tonight.

With Nick. About Kat.

Beckett had seen the all-knowing looks on Marz’s and Jeremy’s faces when he and Kat joined the all-hands’ meeting earlier in the evening. If he didn’t go to Nick soon, the guy was going to learn about them some other way. And then the hell was going to be even worse to pay. And Beckett didn’t want that to happen. Not just because he didn’t want the hassle. But because he owed it to Nick—as his friend and his brother—to come clean.

Didn’t mean that his gut wasn’t all twisted up about whether Nick would think him good enough for his baby sister, though.

He reached the gym door, took a deep breath, and punched in the pass code. Man up, Murda. Right.

Inside, things were hopping, despite the fact that it was pushing eleven o’clock. Some Ravens were lifting weights. Others were shooting the shit around the table. And two guys were tossing a ball back and forth, driving Eileen crazy by bouncing it over her head. Easy was pounding out a fast pace on the treadmill. And, in the back corner, Nick, Marz, and Shane were poring over something on Marz’s desk.

Beckett had faced down terrorists who wanted nothing more than to take his life with their very hands, and he’d probably never been as nervous as he was right now. For fuck’s sake.

He moved into the room. About midway across he spied Cy peeking out from behind a weight machine. “You and me are gonna have a talk soon, too,” he said, pointing at the cat. A one-eyed blink was his only answer.

And then he was standing on the far side of Marz’s desk next to Shane, peering down at what the three men were examining.

Marz gave him a smile and tapped his finger against the pages. “Just going over all these instances when Merritt noted Kaine as having changed orders regarding counternarcotics missions.”

“Marz was right,” Nick said, looking up at him. “Some of these gave me a bad feeling in my gut at the time, because they seemed out of character for Merritt. He was never a last minute kinda guy. Every damn time he’s marked those changes as having been ordered by Kaine.”

Beckett nodded. And then his mouth acted without his brain’s permission. “I’d like to date your sister.”



Hard Ink Series Trailer:




Beckett Murda hates to dwell on the past. But his investigation into the ambush that killed half his Special Forces team and ended his Army career gives him little choice. Just when his team learns how powerful their enemies are, hard-ass Beckett encounters his biggest complication yet—a seductive, feisty Katherine Rixey.

A tough, stubborn prosecutor, Kat visits her brothers’ Hard Ink Tattoo shop following a bad break-up—and finds herself staring down the barrel of a stranger’s gun. Beckett is hard-bodied and sexy as hell, but he’s also the most infuriating man ever. Worse, Kat’s brothers are at war with the criminals her office is investigating. When Kat joins the fight, she lands straight in Beckett’s sights . . . and in his arms. Not to mention their enemies’ crosshairs.

Now Beckett and Kat must set aside their differences to work together, because the only thing sweeter than justice is finding love and never letting go.



HTLG Reviews Tease


Praise for HARD TO LET GO:

“Kaye wraps up her bestselling series with this action-packed story, highlighting her talent for alpha military heroes, hot romance, and an ensemble cast of characters who are unique and engaging. A super sexy, high-octane romantic suspense novel that concludes the popular Hard Ink series in a completely satisfying way.” ~Kirkus Reviews

“TOP PICK! Kaye brings her Hard Ink series to a spectacular conclusion that successfully wraps up the overarching mystery and brings closure to her compelling characters. Kaye really nails it with this awesome book and series!” ~RT Book Reviews

“HARD TO LET GO will blow you away! Anyone who has been following Laura Kaye’s fantastic Hard Ink series will expect something great for the last book in the series, and to say HARD TO LET GO does not disappoint would be the understatement of the year! Ms. Kaye writes sex scenes like it’s nobody’s business, and the blistering chemistry between Kat and Becket will leave you panting and begging for more! If you expected world-class action in HARD TO LET GO, think again and multiply that by ten! HARD TO LET GO has to be the most explosive conclusion to a series ever! Do not miss it at any cost!” ~Fresh Fiction


And don’t miss the other Hard Ink books, now available:

Hard as It gets


Hard as You Can


Hard To Hold On To


Hard To Come By Cover


Hard to Be Good - Cover



Praise for the Hard Ink Series:

“TOP PICK! If you’re looking for danger, gritty action, and sizzling passion, then Kaye has just the book and the series for you.” ~RT Book Reviews Magazine


HTLG Available Now



Author PhotoAbout Laura Kaye:

Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.



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Audio Review: Exquisite Trouble by Ann Mayburn

annExquisite Trouble

Ann Mayburn

Iron Horse MC, Book 1


  • Narrated by: Andy E. Ross, Stephanie Wyles


  • Release Date:02-23-15


Published July 15th 2014 by Fated Desires Publishing, LLC


Before I met Smoke I’d never been kissed, really kissed, by a man, let alone a biker sex god bent on taking my virginity and my heart.

I got dragged into the deadly world of the Iron Horse MC by my crazy twin sister who is engaged to the club’s President and even crazier mom who only cares about herself. Smoke has been assigned by the club to keep me safe even though he’s everything that I should be afraid of. He’s the kind of man who lives by his own rules and does whatever he wants whenever he wants, but he treats me like I’m something rare and precious, not a socially dysfunctional basket case who has no idea how to love, but needs him more than her next breath.

Not that my feelings matter, because if we don’t find my mother soon, the only thing I’ll have to be worried about is who is going to kill me first.

NOTE- This is Part One of a Two Part book with a ‘Happy for Now’ ending.



4.5 Stars


Smoke sets a woman on fire. Ex military and current Sergeant at Arms for the Iron Horse, this man’s mouth will send chills running from head to toes. Dangerous, sexy and raw, Smoke’s life walks a line that has most people running away screaming. When protection makes the badass fall hard, he and his exquisitely delightful and dirty mouth will stop at nothing to get the woman that has become his world.

Swan is so complex and simple all in one.  Smart, beautiful, sheltered and naïve. Living in a bubble of a world, her social skills may not be up to par, but she can withstand and endure things most grown men can’t. Drawn into a world unknown to her simple life, Swan falls into head over heals in more ways than one. Family, independence and a God of a man, change her life in a blink of an eye.

Ann Mayburn’s Exquisite Trouble is wickedly delicious and sinfully naughty.  Tempting, titillating and raw. An edgy story that will leave the lover of erotic romance panting.  The dual narration by Andy Ross and Stephanie Wyles makes this a dangerous book to listen to while driving.  Headphones are advised! Dirty talking men at their finest!  If you are a fan of erotic romance( even if you don’t like MC) Exquisite Trouble is a must.


Audiobook from my personal library.




Meghan March’s – Beneath These Chains!

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About Beneath These Chains

I was raised on the streets, so I know things are rarely as simple as they appear—especially this rich girl showing up at my pawnshop demanding a job.

She’s the most tempting thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ll be damned if I can make her leave.

Shit just got complicated … but when it comes to her—I want complicated.

We’re both fighting our own demons, and our only chance at a future is to let go of the past.

But will we be strong enough to break free from beneath these chains?





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I fucking hated people who stole from me. Which was ironic, considering the only thing that had kept me from starving as a kid had been picking pockets and snatching purses. I dropped my elbows to the desk and rubbed a hand over my buzzed head.

“Goddamn, karma’s a bitch.”

“She the bitch you fucked last night, bro?” The leather of my office couch creaked as Mathieu sank his tall, lanky frame into it.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call women ‘bitches,’ boy?”

My words were met with a long sigh from Mathieu. Ever since he’d walked into Chains and tried to grab a guitar and run back out the door—only to be tackled to the ground by yours truly—he’d been a fixture in my life. To be fair, his choices had been to work off the price of what he’d attempted to steal, or go directly to the nearest cop shop. The entire situation had been such a blast from the past, I’d caught myself smiling when I should’ve been glaring and scaring the piss out of the kid. But apparently I’d done an okay job of it because he’d decided starting a rap sheet at seventeen wasn’t a good plan. Thank fuck. Almost two years later, the kid was my right hand.

And now that Chains was mine, someone was stealing from me—but not just someone. An employee. Someone I should’ve been able to trust. The cameras I had installed on her day off had already paid for themselves.

I rolled my head from side to side, cracking my neck. I hated firing people. It never got easier. And this time? This time it was going to be even worse … because there would be tears. And quite possibly claws.

Pushing up from the chair, I strode to the door without looking at Mathieu. Over my shoulder, I tossed, “You might want to stay here; Brianna’s ass is about to get canned.”

“For real?” His words followed me out, but I didn’t bother to reply.

Every time I stepped foot onto the shop floor, a feeling of pride surged through me—pride that I’d helped build this business into one that was not only honest, but profitable. At least, it was profitable when one of my employees wasn’t skimming off the till and messing with my bank deposits.

Finger twirling in her long, dark extensions and gum snapping between her teeth, Brianna flipped the pages of a magazine with a giant black Sharpie in one hand, circling shit. Probably shit she wanted to buy with the money she’d been stealing from me. The store was empty, which made what I was about to do a little easier.

“Bree, need a few minutes.”

Her head popped up, lips pursing as she took me in. “You can have all the time you need, boss.” Her gaudy fake eyelashes batted at me in what I assumed was supposed to be a sexy move. I stowed the urge to tell her to save it for someone whose dick got hard at the sight of her … but since I was about to fire her, why add insult to injury? The woman had been unsuccessfully trying to add her notch to my bedpost since I’d hired her. Bringing her on had been a mistake, and I’d known it from the minute she’d walked in the door, but a friend had called in a favor.

“Boss? You had something to say?” she prompted.

I watched her, not speaking.

She stopped the hair twirling and capped the Sharpie, resituating herself on the stool and folding her hands in her lap.


“You’re done.”

Bree’s dark eyes flew wide. “Done? You mean done for the day?”

“Done. For good. Get your shit and get out.”

Bree lost the innocent pose as she crossed her arms and stared me down. “Not until you tell me why.”

In two long strides, I closed the distance between the register and me and pressed my hands to the counter.

“I gave you a job. Gave you a paycheck you didn’t have to suck a dick to get. But that wasn’t enough for you. You had to have more, and instead of coming to me and asking for a raise, you decided to make it happen yourself.”

The color faded from her face, leaving her mocha-colored skin sallow. “Wh-what?”

“Get your shit.”

“I swear, I didn’t—”

“Don’t fucking lie to me. I can show you the tape if you want to see what I saw.”

Her lower lip started to wobble. It wasn’t going to work. I’d given her the benefit of the doubt, hoped I was wrong or it was just a one-time thing. But she’d gotten too bold.

“But I need this—”

I cut her off. She wasn’t even going to deny it. Not that she could. We both knew she’d done it, and I wasn’t in the mood to listen to her beg or justify her actions. Even though she didn’t know it, I’d already given her a second chance. And all that had done was cost me even more than I could afford to lose. “I needed someone to work the shop—someone who wasn’t going to fuck me over and steal from me. You weren’t capable of that, so you’re out. Now get your shit.”


“Save your breath, Bree. I ain’t listening unless you’re here to tell me you’ve got all the money you’ve taken, and you’re putting it right back where it belongs.”

Her face twisted into an angry glare even as the tears started falling. “You … you don’t understand.”

“No, I really don’t understand.” I crossed my arms and waited her out. When she realized the water works weren’t changing my decision, she spun off the stool, grabbed her giant purple purse from behind the counter, and stalked toward the door.

“You get all self-righteous with me about a little cash while you basically steal from people? Giving ‘em twenty dollars for their shit? Like you’re one to judge.”

A little cash? She’d skimmed enough to buy a nice used car, and I’d been too trusting to even realize it until the numbers hadn’t added up in a big way.

She slowed near the guitars at the front of the store and malicious glee lit her eyes.

She wouldn’t.

Oh, but she did.

Bree grabbed a guitar and swung it toward the rack as the chimes above the front door jangled. Wood crashed against wood, and two female screeches erupted.

Shit … if she injured a customer…

I charged Bree and ripped the guitar from her hands before she could swing again. A swirl of red hair caught my attention as the other woman dodged out of the strike zone.

Bree struggled against my hold, and I wondered if I was going to end up with a face full of the acrylic claws tearing at my arms. “Let go of me, you asshole!”

“Whoa, boss. Getting the door for ya.” Mathieu bolted across the shop and yanked the door open again. I hustled Bree out and set her free on the sidewalk.

She spun to face Mathieu and me. “You’re gonna regret this,” she hissed. “I swear, you will.”

A soft laugh came from the open door. “From what I’ve seen, I highly doubt it.”

Bree opened her mouth to spew something else, but I shut her down. “Get gone. I don’t ever wanna see you near my shop again.”

Bree’s flinty eyes narrowed as she shouldered her purse. “Fuck you, Lord. You think you’re better than me? Not a chance. You’re just thievin’ street scum. Fuck you.”

“And now she’s getting repetitious,” the husky female voice commented from behind me.

Lip curling in disgust, Bree turned and marched toward the corner, never looking back.

“Her exit could totally use some work, but all-in-all, that was one hell of a welcome.”

I turned to survey the woman standing in the doorway of Chains. Even without a photographic memory, I didn’t think I’d ever forget this particular pose: one arm braced on the doorframe and the other propped on her hip, a green dress hugging curves that had my entire body sitting up and taking notice. Matched with her long, curling red hair, she was a goddamn knockout. What the hell is she doing here?

“You lost, sweet thing?”

She stepped onto the sidewalk and tore the HELP WANTED sign off the bottom corner of the front window. Holding it between two fingers, she smiled. “Nope. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I’m your newest employee.”


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About Meghan March:

Meghan March is the author of contemporary and erotic romance novels.

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at







Catch Up on the Beneath Series:
Beneath This Mask (Beneath #1)

He loves me, and he doesn’t even know my real name.

The limelight that follows him could expose everything I’m hiding. But even knowing the risks, I can’t force myself to stay away.

I’m going to break his heart, but mine will shatter right along with it.

Will we lose it all when I reveal what’s beneath this mask?


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Beneath This Ink (Beneath #2)

I’ve always known she was too good for me, but that never stopped me from wanting her.

And then I finally had her for one night.

A night I don’t remember.

I figured I’d blown my shot.

But now she’s walked back into my life, and this time, I have the upper hand. I want my second chance.

Will she be able to see the man beneath this ink?


Buy links:





Google Play:

Review: Hard to be Good by Laura kaye

goodHard to be Good

Laura Kaye

Hard Ink Series, Book 3.5

Published April 14th 2015 by HarperCollins Publishers



Hard Ink Tattoo owner Jeremy Rixey has taken on his brother’s stateside fight against the forces that nearly killed Nick and his Special Forces team a year before. Now, Jeremy’s whole world has been turned upside down—not the least of which by a brilliant, quiet blond man who tempts Jeremy to settle down for the first time ever.

Recent kidnapping victim Charlie Merritt has always been better with computers than people, so when he’s drawn into the SF team’s investigation of his army colonel father’s corruption, he’s surprised to find acceptance and friendship—especially since his father never accepted who Charlie was. Even more surprising is the heated tension Charlie feels with sexy, tattooed Jeremy, Charlie’s opposite in almost every way.

With tragedy and chaos all around them, temptation flashes hot, and Jeremy and Charlie can’t help but wonder why they’re trying so hard to be good…




4.5 Stars


Charlie and Jeremy have forged a friendship through a very twisted and hot mess of a situation.  When the sh*t hits the fan these two realize they both want more than to be friends. Disaster pushes the feelings to the surface,  making thoughts and fantasies a reality.


Laura Kaye just gave me my favorite friends to lovers story. Two unique and charismatic people comes together, find something worth living for in a beautiful and natural way, amongst the chaos going on around. Yes this is a M/M novella. But the story is more than two men getting together.  Look at the sensuality and passion between two loving and caring people creating something stronger together. It’s a beautiful, sexy and endearing story that will get to your heart.
Print book from my personal library.



Cover Reveal: Meghan March’s Beneath These Chains!

BTC AmazonMeghan March – Beneath These Chains

About Beneath These Chains

I was raised on the streets, so I know things are rarely as simple as they appear—especially this rich girl showing up at my pawnshop demanding a job.

She’s the most tempting thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ll be damned if I can make her leave.

Shit just got complicated … but when it comes to her—I want complicated.

We’re both fighting our own demons, and our only chance at a future is to let go of the past.

But will we be strong enough to break free from beneath these chains?


Preorder Now at:



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Keep Reading for an exclusive contest!



Chapter 1


I fucking hated people who stole from me. Which was ironic, considering the only thing that had kept me from starving as a kid had been picking pockets and snatching purses. I dropped my elbows to the desk and rubbed a hand over my buzzed head.

“Goddamn, karma’s a bitch.”

“She the bitch you fucked last night, bro?” The leather of my office couch creaked as Mathieu sank his tall, lanky frame into it.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to call women ‘bitches,’ boy?”

My words were met with a long sigh from Mathieu. Ever since he’d walked into Chains and tried to grab a guitar and run back out the door—only to be tackled to the ground by yours truly—he’d been a fixture in my life. To be fair, his choices had been to work off the price of what he’d attempted to steal, or go directly to the nearest cop shop. The entire situation had been such a blast from the past, I’d caught myself smiling when I should’ve been glaring and scaring the piss out of the kid. But apparently I’d done an okay job of it because he’d decided starting a rap sheet at seventeen wasn’t a good plan. Thank fuck. Almost two years later, the kid was my right hand.

And now that Chains was mine, someone was stealing from me—but not just someone. An employee. Someone I should’ve been able to trust. The cameras I had installed on her day off had already paid for themselves.

I rolled my head from side to side, cracking my neck. I hated firing people. It never got easier. And this time? This time it was going to be even worse … because there would be tears. And quite possibly claws.

Pushing up from the chair, I strode to the door without looking at Mathieu. Over my shoulder, I tossed, “You might want to stay here; Brianna’s ass is about to get canned.”

“For real?” His words followed me out, but I didn’t bother to reply.

Every time I stepped foot onto the shop floor, a feeling of pride surged through me—pride that I’d helped build this business into one that was not only honest, but profitable. At least, it was profitable when one of my employees wasn’t skimming off the till and messing with my bank deposits.

Finger twirling in her long, dark extensions and gum snapping between her teeth, Brianna flipped the pages of a magazine with a giant black Sharpie in one hand, circling shit. Probably shit she wanted to buy with the money she’d been stealing from me. The store was empty, which made what I was about to do a little easier.

“Bree, need a few minutes.”

Her head popped up, lips pursing as she took me in. “You can have all the time you need, boss.” Her gaudy fake eyelashes batted at me in what I assumed was supposed to be a sexy move. I stowed the urge to tell her to save it for someone whose dick got hard at the sight of her … but since I was about to fire her, why add insult to injury? The woman had been unsuccessfully trying to add her notch to my bedpost since I’d hired her. Bringing her on had been a mistake, and I’d known it from the minute she’d walked in the door, but a friend had called in a favor.

“Boss? You had something to say?” she prompted.

I watched her, not speaking.

She stopped the hair twirling and capped the Sharpie, resituating herself on the stool and folding her hands in her lap.


“You’re done.”

Bree’s dark eyes flew wide. “Done? You mean done for the day?”

“Done. For good. Get your shit and get out.”

Bree lost the innocent pose as she crossed her arms and stared me down. “Not until you tell me why.”

In two long strides, I closed the distance between the register and me and pressed my hands to the counter.

“I gave you a job. Gave you a paycheck you didn’t have to suck a dick to get. But that wasn’t enough for you. You had to have more, and instead of coming to me and asking for a raise, you decided to make it happen yourself.”

The color faded from her face, leaving her mocha-colored skin sallow. “Wh-what?”

“Get your shit.”

“I swear, I didn’t—”

“Don’t fucking lie to me. I can show you the tape if you want to see what I saw.”

Her lower lip started to wobble. It wasn’t going to work. I’d given her the benefit of the doubt, hoped I was wrong or it was just a one-time thing. But she’d gotten too bold.

“But I need this—”

I cut her off. She wasn’t even going to deny it. Not that she could. We both knew she’d done it, and I wasn’t in the mood to listen to her beg or justify her actions. Even though she didn’t know it, I’d already given her a second chance. And all that had done was cost me even more than I could afford to lose. “I needed someone to work the shop—someone who wasn’t going to fuck me over and steal from me. You weren’t capable of that, so you’re out. Now get your shit.”


“Save your breath, Bree. I ain’t listening unless you’re here to tell me you’ve got all the money you’ve taken, and you’re putting it right back where it belongs.”

Her face twisted into an angry glare even as the tears started falling. “You … you don’t understand.”

“No, I really don’t understand.” I crossed my arms and waited her out. When she realized the water works weren’t changing my decision, she spun off the stool, grabbed her giant purple purse from behind the counter, and stalked toward the door.

“You get all self-righteous with me about a little cash while you basically steal from people? Giving ‘em twenty dollars for their shit? Like you’re one to judge.”

A little cash? She’d skimmed enough to buy a nice used car, and I’d been too trusting to even realize it until the numbers hadn’t added up in a big way.

She slowed near the guitars at the front of the store and malicious glee lit her eyes.

She wouldn’t.

Oh, but she did.

Bree grabbed a guitar and swung it toward the rack as the chimes above the front door jangled. Wood crashed against wood, and two female screeches erupted.

Shit … if she injured a customer…

I charged Bree and ripped the guitar from her hands before she could swing again. A swirl of red hair caught my attention as the other woman dodged out of the strike zone.

Bree struggled against my hold, and I wondered if I was going to end up with a face full of the acrylic claws tearing at my arms. “Let go of me, you asshole!”

“Whoa, boss. Getting the door for ya.” Mathieu bolted across the shop and yanked the door open again. I hustled Bree out and set her free on the sidewalk.

She spun to face Mathieu and me. “You’re gonna regret this,” she hissed. “I swear, you will.”

A soft laugh came from the open door. “From what I’ve seen, I highly doubt it.”

Bree opened her mouth to spew something else, but I shut her down. “Get gone. I don’t ever wanna see you near my shop again.”

Bree’s flinty eyes narrowed as she shouldered her purse. “Fuck you, Lord. You think you’re better than me? Not a chance. You’re just thievin’ street scum. Fuck you.”

“And now she’s getting repetitious,” the husky female voice commented from behind me.

Lip curling in disgust, Bree turned and marched toward the corner, never looking back.

“Her exit could totally use some work, but all-in-all, that was one hell of a welcome.”

I turned to survey the woman standing in the doorway of Chains. Even without a photographic memory, I didn’t think I’d ever forget this particular pose: one arm braced on the doorframe and the other propped on her hip, a green dress hugging curves that had my entire body sitting up and taking notice. Matched with her long, curling red hair, she was a goddamn knockout. What the hell is she doing here?

“You lost, sweet thing?”

She stepped onto the sidewalk and tore the HELP WANTED sign off the bottom corner of the front window. Holding it between two fingers, she smiled. “Nope. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I’m your newest employee.”


About Meghan March:

Meghan March is the author of contemporary and erotic romance novels.

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at



Catch Up on the Beneath Series:

Beneath This MaskBeneath This Mask (Beneath #1)

He loves me, and he doesn’t even know my real name.

The limelight that follows him could expose everything I’m hiding. But even knowing the risks, I can’t force myself to stay away.

I’m going to break his heart, but mine will shatter right along with it.

Will we lose it all when I reveal what’s beneath this mask?


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Beneath This InkBeneath This Ink (Beneath #2)

I’ve always known she was too good for me, but that never stopped me from wanting her.

And then I finally had her for one night.

A night I don’t remember.

I figured I’d blown my shot.

But now she’s walked back into my life, and this time, I have the upper hand. I want my second chance.

Will she be able to see the man beneath this ink?


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