ARc Review: Moon Shimmers by Yasmine Galenorn



Moon Shimmers

Yasmine Galenorn

Otherworld/Sisters of the Moon Series, Book 19

Published May 2nd 2017 by Nightqueen Enterprises LLC (first published April 28th 2017)


We’re the D’Artigo sisters: savvy half-human, half-Fae operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency. My sister Delilah is a two-faced werecat and a Death Maiden. Menolly is a vampire married to a gorgeous werepuma and a vampire prince. And me? I’m Camille, a Moon Witch married to three gorgeous husbands, and I’m about to ascend to the throne of Dusk & Twilight. But the path to the throne lies through a labyrinth of dangers, which I must face alone…

Before I can fulfill my destiny to become the Queen of Dusk & Twilight, I must seek out the Keraastar Diamond. But to find the magical gem and take control over the Keraastar Knights, I must venture back to Otherworld, deep into the treacherous Tygerian Mountains. Once there, I face a magical trial by fire. If I fail, Pentangle, the Mistress of Magic, will destroy me. If I succeed, my life will forever change. And I’m not certain which prospect frightens me the most.





4.5 Stars


As a long time reader of the Otherword Series, it’s with a bitter sweetness that I write this review. Moon Shimmers brings readers to the final arc of this amazingly magical series. Destiny, fate and everything Camille, her sisters, family and friends have been fighting for is now on the table. 
Moon Shimmers is an emotional, fast paced journey of mental and spiritual growth for Camille. Grab a glass of wine and a box of tissues, I know I needed both. Lol. Camille has been one of my favorite characters throughout the Otherworld series, continuously growing, stepping up to her duty and putting aside her fear for the greater good. Of all of Camille’s books this one was the most emotional for me. Boy, we have seen this woman go through a lot. Life is changing, Camille struggles through the fear then faces it with her head held high. Wonky magic and all. Camille’s direct chapters of this tale have end on the best of notes. 
Ms. Galenorn is a master at her craft. Otherworld is world building at its best. Moon Shimmers is amazing and so very Camille. Emotional, dangerous and adventurous. I was laughing out loud then pages later shedding tears for my favorite characters. Moon Shimmers will keep reader flying through the pages, begins to tie up loose ends and possibly even starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  
A note to readers: this is the 19th book of the series. Normally I would not even suggest to pick up reading a series this late. Especially with there only being two books left. However I must give props to Ms. Galenorn. She supplies a new reader with enough information that they can enjoy this addition to the Otherworld series as much as I did. 
A copy of this title was provided. I voluntarily chose to review this title. 





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