Audio Review: Lost Embrace by Kym Grosso

lostLost Embrace 

Kym Grosso 

The Immortals of New Orleans Series, Book 6.5

Narrator: Ryan West

Release date: July 28, 2015



Dominant vampire leader, Kade Issacson, is devastated when his fiancée, Sydney Willows, is nearly killed by a demon and her transition into the supernatural tests the limits of their bond. Deep in the heart of New Orleans, they struggle to keep her alive while searching for an escaped killer who promises to end Sydney’s life once and for all.





4.5 Stars

Life Changes even for Immortals.

Once again Ms. Grosso gives her readers an intense, sexy and on the edge of your seat read. Lost Embrace has Kade and Sydney hitting a wall hard. Strength, trust and bonds are stretched and made deeper through love, friendship and passion. Fast paced and action packed this novella packs the punch of a novel. Action or passion will keep you turning the pages. Oh, the epilogue had my jaw on the floor and speeches.
Ryan West gives a excellent performance. Bringing a warmth and sensuality to Lost Embrace that intensifies the story.
Most people know I truly love the Immortals of New Orleans Series. Lost Embrace is a great addition to the series. Really leaving this reader wanting more.

Posted on August 10, 2015, in Audiobook, Review and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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